Player movements and rumours

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Julian, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Tartmaster AJ James

    %CJ Downes
  2. gasnier DC Scott

    What are you on about
  3. Magic AJ Parker

    Nah no cap for SG ball, HM etc etc

    David Shillington was receiving big money from the Roosters when he was only 14-15.

    A little dodgy but not much you can do to stop it...
  4. Sizzler WD Robinson

    Folau and Slater have both been offered $1Mil a season to play for the Melbourne Rebels.
  5. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    I'd be taking it if I were them.
  6. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    It's a lot of mula, wouldn't be good for the storm if Slater went after the coin.

    How the **** do those union ****s have so much money?
  7. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    No salary cap, obv.
  8. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    I mean the money in general, just seems like it's such an expensive competition to be in and it's such a shit sport with a declining supporter base in this country. I don't know how they continually come up with such big budgets.
  9. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Rich **** private owners.
  10. gasnier DC Scott

    Andrew Johns reckons that one of either Slater, Cronk,Smith or Inglis will need to walk now in order to save the Melbourne Storm. I agree with this 100%, What do you guys reckon? if say Slater leaves that will free up $450,000 which is a start to them being under the salary cap and if i was him he would be getting more than double to move codes and play union and still be in the same state.
  11. Sizzler WD Robinson

    if they keep signing league players it wont be long before i switch over, Qld Reds are close to signing Gasnier and they already have Davies from the Broncos and Chambers from the Storm. If Union was on FTA i reckon it would have a massive supporter base.
  12. Paddy P Orr

    Would suck if Rapira left the Cows, he has been great so far.
  13. Sizzler WD Robinson

    im pretty sure he is gone mate.
  14. Paddy P Orr

    Well give us Lillyman back then :p he has been shit over there, was better when he was at North Qld.
  15. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Are you serious? The product itself is abysmal, it's terrible to watch. If Gasnier, Davies and Chambers started playing darts would switch your allegiance from league to darts?
  16. Lukic L Popovic

    Wow, gasnier is so dense.
  17. Sizzler WD Robinson

    it actually isn't as bad as it used to be and i've said before that it only needs one or two rule changes to be a much better sport. also it isn't just 1 or 2 players they are signing they keep signing more and more each season. I'm not going to jump ship and stop following league tomorrow but if things don't change and League just continually lose super stars year after year then im eventually going to get fed up and walk. I actually follow Union already so it isn't like im changing sports it is just i would stop watching one altogether.
  18. Lukic L Popovic

    As if you'd turn your back on the game because a few players leave..
  19. Wilson SB Wilson

    He's a Broncos supporter, what do you expect. They're the weakest going around.
  20. Black Toast Forever TG Bullpitt

    Exactly right. For every Gasnier we lose, we get an Inglis. It all comes even in the end.

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