New Sim Wish List

Discussion in 'Seasonal Rugby' started by HeathDavisSpeed, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Any other thoughts for the wish list?

    Season Six Wish List

    - Cutting lineouts down to 3 or 5 man lines (LOW priority)
    - Have line outs separated from line out mauls (to allow the maul resulting from the lineout to have be more specifically dealt with) (MED priority)
    - Quick Throws (LOW priority)
    - Wind (LOW priority)
    - Pitch conditions (LOW priority)
    - Marks (MED priority)
    - Enhance commentary (HIGHEST priority)
    - Pick and Goes - shift balance towards the forwards even more - too many backs attempting PnGs
    - Make charge downs and scrum feed errors less likely (MED priority)
    - Separate out Interceptions from other types of open play move (MED priority)

    Deferred until someone has a smart idea

    - Choice of Scrum or Kick from the hand (Free Kick - The Gamblers Gambit)
  2. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Definitely seems fine to me

    Has the chance of a season 6 improved,not too long ago you were saying having one is unlikely?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
  3. Tartmaster AJ James

    I know it's been adjusted before, but I still feel the kicking system in general needs work.
    The amount of kicks both in okay and from touch kicks etc, that are only going for pitiful distances is quite high.

    I've never seen a game of rugby irl where someone boots it from their own 22 and kicks it for like 6m.
    Now I don't know how you would fix/implement that.
    But I feel like it does need addressing again.
    But yeah, my 2c.
  4. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    There is no problem:

    <IFRAME height=315 src="//" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>
  5. Tartmaster AJ James

    That went like 50+ metres.
    My point stands.
  6. Himannv LV Himann

    Agree with Tarty although it shouldn't be abolished completely imo. I think it just needs to happen less often.
  7. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    No, it went -50 metres. Which is much, much less distance that +6 metres. It isn't a modulus.

    Mind you, the sim doesn't allow you to kick backwards, so maybe that's an oversight. :p
  8. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    As mentioned last season I would like for there to be more fighting - with your players ability in the fight determined by some random factor as opposed to post counts. As you don't need to be the best player in the game to be an enforcer in real life.
    So far I have only seen one fight in two seasons.
    Also should be some instances of handbags being thrown from time to time.

    Do we have match ending spear tackles and head highs currently in the sim?
  9. Howe JHF Howe

    Also raises the question of blood substitutions.


    Do you want to crowd source the 'enhance commentary' wish or is there something you want to change with the format?
  10. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    This will definitely make things easier. Basically, take any line from the existing commentary and come up with some variations on the theme.

    I'm not the most technically aware rugby fan, so I definitely thing things could be better round the scrum, ruck and maul area to sound more like the commentary you'd hear in a proper match.

    And as for fights - there's definitely been more fights than Hurricane has seen - Okoudou Gbagbo's been involved in most of them. Fights are already in the mix pretty much as Hurricane has outlined, but they are relatively infrequent - which is how they tend to be these days, IMO - rare.
  11. Howe JHF Howe

    Heef accuses Hurricane of being old-fashioned: realistic
  12. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    There's handbags in every game I've ever seen. And I reckon fighting should be more frequent in the sim than real life just because it would be entertaining.
  13. Furball G Furball

    Home town calls.
  14. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    So, you'd like the sim to be part rugby - part MMA sim? :p

    Gah. :cursing:
  15. Howe JHF Howe

    When you watch a game on the telly the comms are usually talking about who's having a good or bad game. Is it possible to insert something like that?
  16. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Hmmm. Not really. The sim doesn't keep a cumulative stats tally - only half time and full time.
  17. Howe JHF Howe

    I suppose that's what the thread is for anyway :p
  18. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    How about a live graphic that shows where on the field the ball is. You already have field position in the commentary but sometimes it gets a bit confusing.

    It would just be a picture of a ball and a straight line and the ball moving up and down the line with each play.
  19. Himannv LV Himann

    That would be gun if it were possible.
  20. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Something like this?

      T    22    HW    22   T
    Where | is the try line, /&\ are the 22s and || is the halfway line and 0 is the ball location. Each dash represents 5 metres.

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