"This is what I thought of the movie I just watched" thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Alec, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Jimmy J Read

    yeah agreed.
  2. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Doby song :lol:
  3. Shagger PW Adams

    Really keen to go see Walter Mitty.
  4. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    As I'm I. Not really a Ben Stiller fan but it looks quite different from a lot of his other crap. Also keen to see The Wolf Of Wall Street.
  5. Farhat AM Farhat

    I thought the book was x10 better than the movie.
  6. Jake A Pimpkins

    +1, trailer looks awesome
  7. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Hunger Games. Parts were brilliant, parts I don't like. There has to be a follow up.

    inb4 there already is one
  8. Shagger PW Adams

    Saw it last night. Great movie. The whole vibe is just so chilled. One of those movies that makes you wanna get out and do/see everything. Would recommend.
  9. Tartmaster AJ James

    Second one is out now.
    Third one to come I believe.
  10. Mariner CL Warrington

    And fourth.
  11. Tartmaster AJ James

    Isn't there only 3 books?
  12. Mariner CL Warrington

    Yeah, but they're putting the last book into two parts like what was done with the last Harry Potter book.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

  14. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Yay, gun.
  15. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Bleeding it for money obv.
  16. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Not sure why.... the last book is shit
  17. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Rego on the button, I'd think.
  18. Starris ER Starris

    Bound to be. Once they get something that has a friend following they want maximum return.
  19. MASTERS S Masters

    Police Academy, now matter how many times i have seen it, still maes me laugh, so many funny moments
  20. hen da man HRT Daman


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