Squad sizes and Injuries

Discussion in 'CPL Cricket' started by Baxter, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. Baxter MJ Deane

    Shotgun getting rid of Symonds.
  2. Callum CJ Laing

    Yeah, however surely most people are going to want to stick with their star players anyway?

    I actually think a complete re-draft is the best way to get even teams, but I doubt many if any would be up or that.
  3. Baxter MJ Deane

    I think people should at least have the option of keeping some of their players. They're under no obligation to do so though.
  4. Ged GEC King

    I'll keep my 4th round pick of Watson, thanks :p
  5. Julian BJ Taylor

    Nah..... unless one of my first five picks was a shit kent.
  6. Julian BJ Taylor

    Everyone wanting to get rid of heaps of players has a shit team pretty much.
  7. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Or is running a new team. :p
  8. Callum CJ Laing

    People going to have to get rid of a decent amount of players to allow it to expand properly. Otherwise the expansion would be pointless as the new teams would be utterly pointless as they would just get rolled over.
  9. Callum CJ Laing

  10. Eds E Ames

    I reckon get rid of one of your top five picks, tbh, then no limit on the rest. The more you give up, the higher on the draft order you go...
  11. Julian BJ Taylor

    There should be a maximum amount you can keep. Maybe one of the top 5 has to go if need be.

    nfi how to make it easier for new teams though.
  12. Callum CJ Laing

    Are you saying people only to give up 1 player or keep 4 of their top 5 and release the rest?
  13. Eds E Ames

    You have to release one of the top 5 picks. Maybe even top 4 to give new teams a better chance? Then, you release how ever many others you want. Whoever releases the most goes higher up the draft order.
  14. Callum CJ Laing

    Because the top 5 picks are in theory the best players. If the new teams have none of the best players in their side and have to have their first round picks at the level of the other teams sixth round picks it is not going to be fair. Although I don't really see getting rid of only 1 of the top 5 picks will really make much of a difference.
  15. Callum CJ Laing

    Nah, that would potentially screw the new teams. If each team only gave up like 4 players each, likely having 2 of them being late round picks you are going to have a huge inbalance still.
  16. Eds E Ames

    Alright, maybe one of the top 3 and one of the 4th or 5th picks, plus whatever else you want to offload?

    Or we could just start from scratch?
  17. Callum CJ Laing

    I see nothing wrong with maybe keeping 5 players, getting rid of 1/2 of your top 4/5 picks. However, to suggest people could keep 11 players? (can't remember if it was squads of 13) would have the potential to make the expansion fail.

    I do personally think the easiest way to have a fair balance with new sides coming in is to have a re-draft completely. I also think that the draft is the best part about these comps.
  18. Baxter MJ Deane

    I think keeping 6 is ok as a maximum personally. Nearly half of your current squad and a third of your new squad. Have to release one of your first 4 picks.
  19. Julian BJ Taylor

    It won't. But those who have been committed to this for a very long time shouldn't have to give up any more than that IMO.
  20. Callum CJ Laing

    A lot of owners show very little interest tbh. Just because you were lucky enough to be selected for the first one shouldn't give you a right to be have a big advantage over new teams IMO.

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