SoccerSim Negotiations

Discussion in 'SoccerSim' started by Callum, May 18, 2009.

  1. Flack SA Flack

    Speirz to update me when he chooses his team >_>
  2. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Saints tbh :p
  3. Humble SA Humble

    Chiefs looking for Mid-fileders and Defenders
  4. Hybrid A Kolar

    You'll need to find a skilled Mid-fileder.
  5. kingdamo DRP Taylor

    Anyone still need a starting goalkeeper >_>?
  6. Gazza GJ Weaver

    You can't Damo! It will ruin our run as team mates :lol:
  7. Humble SA Humble

    Chiefs still looking. There must be a few people out there Un-signed who play these positions
  8. Storer BA Storer

    Defenders and Mids needed. Come on fellas!
  9. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Speirz to sign with us.
  10. Storer BA Storer

    If so,

  11. Humble SA Humble

    Chiefs have starting spots open for Defenders and Midfielders. So if you arent starting and want to PM myself, Storer or Theo
  12. Farhat AM Farhat

    Of course they're not starting, they don't have a team yet.
  13. Storer BA Storer

    It was targeted at people who already have teams, I'd imagine.

    Also, J-Ridd to confirm by posting in the contracts thread, TBH.
  14. Callum CJ Laing

    Well he should not be.
  15. Speirz DG Speirs

    Update: No change.
  16. Storer BA Storer

    Speirz and Scott to come to Chiefs, TBH. Interested fellas?
  17. Incey BC Jacobs

    Speirz and Flack to come to FC Saints. Apparently, Speirz is the one I need to convince. :p
  18. Zakaron SDR Laing

    I have signed my name up for the Chiefs.
  19. Humble SA Humble

    I think Speriz should sign up for the chiefs IMO
  20. Incey BC Jacobs

    Nah they both should come to Saints.

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