Harry Potter Mafia: Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Mariner, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Athlai JJD Heads

    Is the Ministry bad in book 5?
    Is the Ministry bad at all in Harry Potter?

    Highly debatable. They're a mixture of bumbling bureaucrats, with the occasional splash of British dystopian fascism.

    Yet they also employ papa Weasley and all those good cunt Aurors.
  2. Athlai JJD Heads

    Which would be why Skippos would potentially know her.
  3. Starris ER Starris

    Lynch Himannv
  4. Number 11 CJ Downes

    This lynch is stupid.
  5. Farhat AM Farhat

    I'm not saying there bad. I'm just saying that claiming to have watched/read the first 5 editions and not know anything about the ministry is bs. It's just a way of him leading us to believe that he isn't a ministry member. That's just my theory, I could be way off. :p
  6. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'm smarter than that.

    I've read all the books - and watched the first 5 movies but only remember the first four well. I remember Umbridge because who could really forget her and I honestly thought she was in one of the first four as I remembered her so well. But then I realised not possible, haha.

    Plus - iirc the ministry were alright. a bit unsupportive and removed but yeah. I remember fudge et al. And I remember ron weasley's dad working there etc. and he was a champ
  7. Athlai JJD Heads

    Lynch Skippos

    Smarter than that. D'd
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

    That'd be a pretty amateur move. I'm generally pretty upfront if town and if mafia I try and look as upfront as possible - none of this mindgames shit I don't think.

    Remember - I watched them/read them once the moment they came out. 'tis a long time ago, not like recently or anything.

    I mean I'm forgetting parts of lotr despite having watched them 3 months ago.
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    :lol: wac!
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    But yeah keen to get himann to squirm. If he's an important role then unlynch (so make sure nobody ninja lynches) but we need to use our advantage instead of allowing mafia to draw back level.
  11. Farhat AM Farhat

    You obv forgot that Sauron and Sauroman had to work together in order to defeat the fellowship. :p
  12. Athlai JJD Heads

    Argument for lynching Skippos:

    There would be no more Skippos (unless Mariner like every other asshole gave him the ability to talk when dead).
  13. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Everyone to character claim

  14. Skippos SM Morgan

    The longer I waited the sooner Mousey'd have bussed me. Would do it again.
  15. Skippos SM Morgan

    :( don't be mean!
  16. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Lynch Skippos
  17. Verigoat S Verigotta

    I'm a big fan of the lynching skippos idea as per usual

    But then again I also want to lynch Marcuss
  18. Himannv LV Himann

    Woah!! I go to bed and suddenly there's a huge bandwagon on me based on nothing.

    My comment was a guess that the ministry could be a third party and nothing else. I thought there might be a couple of them in the game as they are always a factor in the books and my comments so far have all been based on the books.

    I would have to be a real fool to claim to town that the ministry is in this if I am in the ministry myself. Why would third party bother to out themselves in a game like this.

    I can role claim if needed but doing so this early in the game is so dire.
  19. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Lynch Skippos
  20. Athlai JJD Heads

    Ability claim.

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