Post your serious suggestions for features here. This is specifically for the suggestion of features to the simulation engine, so don't post suggestions about the format of tournaments and such.
Yeah, stats are always good (drive length, FIR, GIR etc. etc.) Post count variability for player ability
I've got plans to add stats, but it's not something that can be done immediately. I've already got something in place so that if post counts become a thing it can be added really easily.
Physical attributes + skill made from the same points allocated at sign up so you can be a happy Gilmore pre chubbs Peterson or have a gun short game but lack distance off the tee etc.
I've thought about it and I might rebuild parts of it so that stats can be included. Which stats do you think are really important and which would be nice to have but not vital?
Somewhat related question. Currently we've decided on 4 attributes: Drive, Approach, Putting and Consistency. Is this enough?
Heef is pretty much bang on for the stats part, think it would be a tad harder to incorporate physical abilities though, post count should defs happen though
Yeah exactly, it gives the image that people with higher power would be generally bigger than people with low power, not that it's entirely true but it would do
Can understand a power/accuracy for the drive and approach, not so for putting though. Putting power isn't really a thing, is it?