Football World Draft (20 years)

Discussion in 'Association Football Discussion' started by mouse, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. mouse MJ Edwards

    I know its a shame that players like Hagi isn't going to be available but it looks like a lot of members prefer it with the 50% career after 92

    I would've preferred to stay like it was because I actually thought it was best and just change it to you 'judge' them how they see fit.
  2. mouse MJ Edwards

    Also, getting slightly annoyed that this is the reason that the draft hasn't started yet
  3. Eds E Ames

    I'm fine with this. Make it any player that played 1992 or after, and just judge them on their entire career.
  4. mouse MJ Edwards

    Fine, will this keep everyone happy? Heef?

    I just want this to start

    The draft order is sorted but can't post it until we know what the rules are
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  5. mouse MJ Edwards

    Also, any new members that want to participate, you will be added to the end of the draft. But you've only got till the end of round one to get involved
  6. MrPrez CM Dyer

    This. Someone is going to be butthurt by the draft rules it seems, so we might as well just set something in stone and get on with it.
  7. MrPrez CM Dyer

    And yes, I reckon that's the best way.
  8. mouse MJ Edwards

    Just waiting on Heef to see if he's okay with the rule change and then we can start

    I'm off out in like one hour so hoping to get started before then

    With this rule change, the pool of players will be greater because someone could've played just one year after 1992 but had a fantastic career before hand and you judge them for their whole career...

    At least they'll be no excuse for picking shunt players :laugh:
  9. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Played after 1992 is fine by me. Just to clarify, does this mean guys debuting before 1992 are eligible? I guess I'm in if it gets it going for you.

    Edit: ignore the clarification - just read mouse's last post. Fine by me.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  10. mouse MJ Edwards

    The rule means that players must have played at least one season after 1992 but you judge them on their whole career...

    So all the players you've named such as Hagi can be picked because they played at least one season after 1992

    Well that's the extreme version of the new rule change
  11. Jager LO Townsend

    Yup, played after 1992 is fine by me. I'd always judge them on their whole careers regardless so it doesn't bother me at all whichever way you go.
  12. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Yay we can finally get this going?
  13. Cevno IV Narang

    Yeah, this rule seems fine. Everyone ends up subconciously judging on their whole career anyways.

    Also better to keep it simple than going and working out what percentage of matches x player played before/after 1992.
  14. mouse MJ Edwards

    So everyone is happy?


    Draft order will be posted asap
  15. mouse MJ Edwards

  16. Weeman27bob BE Force

  17. mouse MJ Edwards

    Yet again, members can still join if they wish...

    I'll just add you to the bottom of the draft
  18. Eds E Ames

    You should definitely re-randomise the order every two rounds.

    R1 order
    R2 order is opposite of R1
    R3 order
    R4 order is opposite of R3
  19. mouse MJ Edwards

    Can't be bothered doing that, this means people will end up knowing who goes before them.
  20. Eds E Ames

    But it's also completely unfair...?

    I don't know any other draft I've competed in that has the same order all the way through.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012

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