Filler Mafia 2: Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Harps, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Skippos SM Morgan

    don't fucking jump on a lynch until

    A) McGrath gets a chance to claim
    B) if there is a 2nd cop, he gets to out.

    no lynch for now, but this will change.
  2. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Good enough for me. Lynch McGrath
  3. AVA T Delonge

    I just hope we know who to trust if we get a cop cc. :p Going to sit on McGrath for now as I am going to bed and i dont know when ill be back, but if New evidence arises, me sitting on McGrath wont kill someone unnecessarily.
  4. Skippos SM Morgan

    if McGrath isn't mafia

    Don't lynch GF.

    He would clearly be fool.

    no mafia would do that, and GF is new and it's a smart tactic but we're all used to it.
  5. Harps ZAF MacDonald

  6. Klonam AB Gloury

    AWTA (Skippos) so not lynch until you have proof that someone is guilty a cop claiming on a forum is not as solid as if you were on another form. We need to wait for everyone to post defend etc. etc. etc.

    Not voting for now...will look at new evidence when it arises and vote then.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    is this to do with the game or epicmafia?
  8. Harps ZAF MacDonald

  9. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Sorry. Playing under that username brings Theo out in me. :down:
  10. spark!ptz PH Spark

    there's no way i'm going for a lynch move so early until the accused has a chance to defend themselves.

    no lynch
  11. McGrath JE McGrath


    Im a role that is innocent pal. :oops: :stretcher:

    I thunk you may be mafia.
  12. McGrath JE McGrath

    Also GF you do realise that if im innocent you will die tonight. Shouldnt fake claim as cop round 1 in this setup
  13. Klonam AB Gloury

    Of course anyone can say that McGrath, the key thing is what can you say apart from the generic defense? Also tkp seems inno...
  14. Skippos SM Morgan

    McGrath - right now there's only a few of us supporting you. You need to offer more than an innocent role.

    Blue? what?

    it's about all that will save you.
  15. Furball G Furball

    If McGrath is telling the truth then it makes me insane or paranoid.
  16. McGrath JE McGrath

    Well theres only one doc, and that doc may or may not of been on Bedsey last night. From my pov he was. Also Mafia fishing exposes doc but meh.
  17. Skippos SM Morgan

    So you're claiming watcher?

    We've got a watcher and a cop claim.

    there's no insane/paranoid cop in OP.

    So if there's only normal cops

    those two claims don't work.

    someone's lying.

    There has to be another cop/watcher.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  18. Klonam AB Gloury

    So we have a watcher claim so it opens the possibilities of GF being insane.

    EDIT: No insane, someone is mafia.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  19. McGrath JE McGrath doctor....
  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    No, there could be a fool at play

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