CricSim Origin meet up take 2

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by GYR, May 4, 2009.

  1. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Apologies to the boys for not being able to go out... ****ing insanely shit night one bad thing lead to another.

    Other than that all a bunch of good blokes. Wasn't sure who half of you ****s where.

    Two people who where there didn't talk.. stuck together not sure who they were...

    Rob.. Same 4 eyebrows as the internet and gave me awesome spoilers... Cop that ****s!

    Steve Southern... Sorry Luke Walsh... Sorry Muesli haha. Had no ****ing idea who you were or if you were even with everyone else... came and said hello though and then got talking for a bit... hope you attacked Kovas.

    The quiet ones... Crowley and Matt didn't say a word till closing time but nice blokes, Crowley being a real gentleman.

    The Gamblers... Benny and Gemmell haha pretty much the same as they are on the forum... You'd look good in that pink singlet Gemmell and I thought Benny was gonna stay at the tab rather than go to the game for a minute... awesome blokes spewing we didn't get to hit the clubs at all so you ****s gotta come down sometime again...

    Julian/Ben and Dean, Nice blokes easy to talk to and all.

    Missing someone though...
  2. GYR DW Lewis

    Those two quiet ones you are talking about was Incey and Magic, two ****ing pussies who were too scared to come out with us afterwards.

    You are a gay **** for not coming out with us. We only got 10 minutes of the Tysonator. :(
  3. Benny BS Read

    Insurgency!! 100 on the nose at 3.80 FTW.
  4. Magic AJ Parker

    Alot ****ing stranger than I ever expected. Still everyone seemed like decent blokes.
  5. Speirz DG Speirs

    Random coincidental meetings ftw.
  6. Kovas C Kovas

    What happened after I left?
  7. Toolman TR Man

    They all partiiiiiiiied.
  8. Speirz DG Speirs

    They went to Star City, I know that much.
  9. GYR DW Lewis

    I guess when you say "Seemed" you are right there since you didn't really talk to anyone else bar Incey. I even came up to you and told you to just relax and stop looking so nervous because the second Incey left your side, you looked as though you crapped on the floor and everyone had just found it sitting there.

    Haha it was dead set the most random thing ever. Once again, am disappointed at your lack of Newcastle Jets shirt.
  10. Cribbage RG Cribb

    One thing that did shit me was your waaaay over-the-top "what you're wearing should represent what team you're following" attitude. GTF over it!
  11. GYR DW Lewis

    Take your own advice.
  12. Speirz DG Speirs

    Glad I didn't wear it. They lost 6-0 in a match that night.
  13. Hybrid A Kolar

  14. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Muesli is a tank aswell... Deadset looks ****ing 40 though.
  15. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Haha yeah, he's only 17 but there was no way he was going to get ID'd.
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    Haha yeah the beard does it for him. It was ****ing hilarious:

    Gemmell: You look like Nick Youngquest. He was voted the sexiest man in league.
    *Waitress walks passed*
    Gemmell: Hey waitress, do you think that this man is sexy?
    Waitress looking at Muesli: Hmmm, nope.
  17. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Agreed, was good meeting the man who is soon to be behind my avatar...
    Agreed. But me in Blue wasn't a good choice.
    Hahaha, sorry Muesli. I think your sexy.
  18. Julian BJ Taylor

    Hahahahah. Muesli thread coming right up.
  19. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Enjoyable evening indeed, got dangerously pissed, woke up and realised I didn't have my phone, went back to the casino to try and find it with no luck.

    Good bunch of men though.
  20. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Oh is that where you went....Spewing...Did you check the Kebab shop?

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