CricSim Freestylin' Rap Battlin'

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by BoshtrichBurger, May 8, 2013.

  1. Scottie NG Scott

    Theo should have lost for calling Denmark a shit place.
  2. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

    It wasn't my best, but I have to admit it's better than some of the other shit I've written :p
  3. Tartmaster AJ James

    Theo ain't no champ.
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

  5. Himannv LV Himann

    Ooh, fighting words from the runner up. You better not run out of jizz towards the end again.
  6. Tartmaster AJ James

    At best it was a tie
  7. Fiery GR Smith

    If only you had a modicum of class, wit and rapping talent you wouldn't stoop to being as disgusting as possible to try and win a rap battle. Voters should hang their heads in shame too.
  8. Hurricane JD Hurricane


    Fiery was the underdog and did a great job - he had less information to work with than Theo did - and had me laughing more.

    Both deserve to go into the hall of fame - the first two battles I suspect people were saving their ammunition for later rounds Mousey especially (he even admitted it I think in the rap).
  9. MrPrez CM Dyer

    OK, well I've written my rap vs Skippos but I assume I should wait until reframe vs skippos has been fully adjudicated?
  10. Fiery GR Smith

    No you're not, Screech. You only made a sex tape with your mom called Saved By The Smell.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  11. Lukic L Popovic

    Anyone but Howe. What a faggot.
  12. Tartmaster AJ James

    I'm probably gonna struggle with my group tbh.

    Benny and BB.
    I literally know fuck all about them, especially BB.
  13. Fiery GR Smith

    At least someone appreciates good rapping :cheers:
  14. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    I'll tally the votes up in a sec. May I remind cunts to not take this personal and whinge. It's a rap battle. You enter, and you are opening yourself up to be dissed, and dissed hard. That's the name of the game.
  15. Fiery GR Smith

    OK. Put me through to next round and I will open both barrels on someone
  16. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    Doesn't work like that obviously.
  17. Fiery GR Smith

  18. Scottie NG Scott

    Is it too late to enter my megahardcore acrostic poetry?
  19. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    Don't think any more votes will come in for the three match-ups, so I hereby call those match-ups closed.

    Here are the results.

    Div.1 Round-Robin:
    Fieryboi - 1 V. MC Spice Rack - 5

    MC Spice Rack (Theo) wins by four votes, 5-1, over Fieryboi (Fiery).

    Div.2 Round-Robin:
    Skippos - 4 V. Biggie Reframe - 3

    Skippos (Skippos) wins by 1 vote, 4-3, over Biggie Reframe (Please_Reframe).

    Div.4 Round Robin:
    Mousedawg - 5 V. Ur Boy Reagz - 3

    Mousedawg (Mousey) wins by 2 votes, 5-3, over Ur Boy Reagz (Reagan Wheelson).
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  20. Fiery GR Smith

    Fuck off. I had 2 votes. Voting closing way too early too

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