What is CPL Cricket?

Discussion in 'CPL Cricket' started by Baxter, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    CPL Cricket is a myth.
  2. Luffers JRE Luffman

    Cricsim is a myth.
  3. Baxter MJ Deane

  4. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

  5. CCG C Golding

    Today, the new Oxford Dictionary came out. I had a quick look at the word "myth" and it's second meaning said:

    "Online Cricket Management Simulator, run by Marcuss Deane, started in Summer 2009, but will never run."

    :lol: I love ya really Marcuss
  6. Callum CJ Laing

    Can see Marcuss truely raging and telling you how he is waiting for Cribb.
  7. Baxter MJ Deane

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  8. Eds E Ames

    I call lies.
  9. Baxter MJ Deane

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  10. Incey BC Jacobs

    I love Marcuss.
  11. Eds E Ames

    Yes, I do.
  12. Baxter MJ Deane

  13. Rusty RST Downpipes


    True Story.
  14. Jabba HJ Bots

    cpl cricket is all hype
  15. Captain SSD Dong

    How many teams are in this atm?
  16. El Nino J Torres

  17. Captain SSD Dong

    Any free slots for next season?
  18. Eds E Ames

    There will be about 4 or 6 new teams at a guess. Loads of people want places though.
  19. Verigoat S Verigotta

    If all the new CW get teams instead of others im probably just going to shit my pants
  20. Captain SSD Dong

    If there are alot of people wanting the slots then I don't mind giving way. Got a team in CW so I won't be greedy.

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