The Wrasslin' thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by GYR, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Mike ML Martyn

    Yeah, actually i did see that Regal match. It was quite good.
  2. cloughie09 TJ Clough

    That match proved what you can do if you know each other, also best part of that match was regals entrance was well funny
  3. GYR DW Lewis

    Disappointed that they have put Brodus off tv for a while I kind of liked his character. Something different.

    Also why wouldn't they put Christian in the chamber he has been fit since the Rumble.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  4. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Booker is just the worst commentator right there
  5. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    cause it looks like hes gonna be a part of a much bigger angle
  6. Mike ML Martyn

    They're trying to keep him fresh probably. He has only been involved in squash matches so far which isn't ideal if he's ever going to be a long-term star.
  7. GYR DW Lewis

    That makes no sense.
  8. Mike ML Martyn

    His gimmick at the moment is fine imo, but I can see it getting very stale in the coming months. When every match sees him doing the exact same sequence, people will get bored extremely fast.

    Vince McMahon apparently has problems with his in-ring work at the moment as well.
  9. Shri G Shriram

    Didn't Vince Mcmahon retire and hand everything over to HHH or is that just a storyline?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  10. Das09 S Das

  11. GYR DW Lewis

    HIAC!! Fuck yeah! So pumped.
  12. SuperNova SJ Nova

  13. SuperNova SJ Nova

  14. GYR DW Lewis

    It is a shame Miz got so one dimensional so fast. I doubt we will see him back up top for a while.

    Also sucks to be Wade Barrett. That whole spot looked nasty.
  15. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    when was the last time there was a good HIAC

    yeah doubt this time will be any different
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    Don't be such a fucking Debby Downer!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  17. Himannv LV Himann

    So many good HIAC matches over the years.
  18. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    the thing is too many people expect there to be some huge as mankind style spot, and it never comes so end up dissapointed, and so really it ends up being no different to a normal cage match.

    however someone pointed out something interesting..... how will they get the cell into an outdoor stadium (cant really hang it above the ring like normal) obv they already have the means in place but should be interesting none the less
  19. Shri G Shriram

    The last good one I saw was Brock Lesnar Vs Taker. HHH Vs Jericho before that. The best HIAC of all time is obv Mankind vs Taker.

    The PG era HIAC matches have generally been shithouse tstl. Batista Vs HHH was okay I guess back in 2006-07.
  20. Shri G Shriram

    Get it to raise up from the floor maybe and do the top part manually?

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