Season 5 Draw

Discussion in 'Seasonal Rugby' started by HeathDavisSpeed, May 24, 2013.

  1. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Round 1	Hurricanes	Spartans	Typhoons	Olympians	NSW		QLD
    	Sharks		Crabs		Squids		Nippers		VIC		Asia
    	Gamblers	Vikings		Punters		Einherjar			
    					Typhoons	Cnuts			
    Round 2	Spartans	Sharks		Olympians	Squids		Asia		NSW
    	Vikings		Hurricanes	Einherjar	Typhoons	QLD		VIC
    	Crabs		Gamblers	Nippers		Punters			
    					Cnuts		Squids			
    Round 3	Hurricanes	Gamblers	Typhoons	Punters		QLD		Asia
    	Spartans	Crabs		Olympians	Nippers		VIC		NSW
    	Sharks		Vikings		Squids		Einherjar			
    					Punters		Cnuts			
    Round 4	Gamblers	Sharks		Punters		Squids		England		Australia
    	Vikings		Spartans	Einherjar	Olympians	NZ A		GB A
    	Crabs		Hurricanes	Nippers		Typhoons	NZ		Baabaas		
    					Cnuts		Einherjar			
    Round 5	Hurricanes	Sharks		Typhoons	Squids		Australia	NZ
    	Spartans	Gamblers	Olympians	Punters		GB A		NZ A
    	Vikings		Crabs		Einherjar	Nippers		Baabaas		England	
    					Olympians	Cnuts	
    					Cnuts		Nippers			
    Round 6	Spartans	Hurricanes	Olympians	Typhoons	NZ		England
    	Crabs		Sharks		Nippers		Squids		Australia	Baabaas	
    	Vikings		Gamblers	Einherjar	Punters			
    					Cnuts		Typhoons		
    Round 7	Sharks		Spartans	Squids		Olympians	QLD		NSW
    	Hurricanes	Vikings		Typhoons	Einherjar	VIC		Asia
    	Gamblers	Crabs		Punters		Nippers			
    					Squids		Cnuts				
    Round 8	Gamblers	Hurricanes	Punters		Typhoons	NSW		Asia
    	Crabs		Spartans	Nippers		Olympians	VIC		QLD
    	Vikings		Sharks		Einherjar	Squids			
    					Cnuts		Punters			
    Round 9	Sharks		Gamblers	Squids		Punters		Asia		QLD
    	Spartans	Vikings		Olympians	Einherjar	NSW		VIC
    	Hurricanes	Crabs		Typhoons	Nippers			
    					Einherjar	Cnuts			
    Round A	Sharks		Hurricanes	Squids		Typhoons	Australia	England
    	Gamblers	Spartans	Punters		Olympians	NZ A		GB A
    	Crabs		Vikings		Nippers		Einherjar	Baabaas		NZ		
    					Cnuts		Olympians		
    					Nippers		Cnuts										
    Round B									NZ		Australia
    									GB A		NZ A
    									England		Baabaas
    Round C									England		NZ
    									Baabaas		Australia
    SF	SRC #2		SRC #3		RRC #2		RRC #3			
    F	SRC #1		SRC SFW		RRC #1		RRC SFW		RC #1		RC #2
    									SPC #1		SPC #2
    NS1	North		South		(On Neutral Territory)				
    NS2	South		North		(On Neutral Territory)				
    NS3	North		South		(On Neutral Territory)				
    Tests	Possibly vs. Argentina
    Comments welcome at this stage.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  2. loganb JEM Logan

    Looking forward to round 4.
  3. Gazza GJ Weaver

    NZ seem to play a lot less provincial matches than the rest
  4. morgieb MC Burridge

    Interesting that the PR boys are playing. Do you have any intentions of letting them in in the future ala the Crabs?
  5. morgieb MC Burridge

    What's with the A team games in the Tri-Series?
  6. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Happened last season too. Mainly because Australians get two sets of games (State based and Country based) and so the Poms and Kiwis have enough players for a 2nd team and thus I give them an extra game to balance things out.
  7. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Dunno. I guess I kind of am by including them in the draw, but their post counts are so low that they could never compete in the SRC. Should be there or thereabouts against the teams in the RRC though.
  8. Howe JHF Howe

    GB A v NZ A games on during the sub-provincials? So as every province gets a game each week. And might add more impact to it as a 3-match series that isn't being overshadowed by the main rep comp.

    NSW to split?
  9. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Yeah. Might not be a bad idea actually. Would just need to consider eligibility criteria.

    I'd only do this if there was 6th province to add. I'm not convinced Celtic Provinces are really ready to split out for this. Although if you add the PR players into the mix, then maybe they are.
  10. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Planet Rugby Players & Provincial Eligibility

    Name		Rank		Post	Province
    bobbity		132		134	Eng
    RuggaBugga	163		52	NZ
    Newby1		167		47	Ire
    Killface	167		47	RSA
    Backrow		173		38	Eng
    earl the beaver	176		32	Ire
    Akkerman	176		32	Other
    TheFrog		182		27	Fra
    bobily		182		27	NZ
    Odval		182		27	Fra
    EverReady	184		26	Ire
    18ChinsofChi'n	189		22	Ire
    Gavin Duffy	189		22	Ire
    fogerty		190		21	Ire
    Banana Man	192		20	Ire
    Dontbeadingbat	195		17	Eng
    Thomas		201		14	Aus
    Mr. Very Popu'r	202		11	Ire
    PilotC		202		13	Eng
    Armchair_Su'r	204		10	Ire
    Doc S		204		10	Eng
    Yer Man		206		8	Ire
    Womack		206		8	Eng
    Cthulu's Trilby	209		7	Eng
    doodles.dude	209		7	RSA
    Kovana		209		7	Sam
    Cubo-Futurist	214		6	NZ
    Davestar	214		6	Wales
    ElementFreak	214		6	Eng
    binge90		214		6	Ire
    Softsteel	214		6	Eng
    croyals		216		5	Eng
    Madness		216		5	Eng
    alliswell	216		5	Ire
    AlanBengio	219		4	Ita
    Cleftydave	225		3	Ire
    Mitty		225		3	Ire
    Conspicuous	225		3	Ire
    Vitoplaysrugby	225		3	Ita
    BurrowHill	236		2	Eng
    Moustache At'k	252		1	Sco
    DBRowan		252		1	Other
    Blindcider	252		1	Eng
    Maherball	252		1	Ire
    Willie Falloon	252		1	Ire
  11. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Actually, even with them a CP team would be awful

    1. Os du Toit
    2. Callum Laing
    3. Samuel Vimes
    4. James McDougal
    5. Simon Laing
    6. Siege Morgan
    7. Gavin Henshaw (Gavin Duffy)
    8. Helen Huntsface (18Chinsofchinatown)

    9. Cunning Stunt (Banana Man)
    10. Brainfart ROG (Fogerty)

    11. Andrew James
    12. Paddy Orr
    13. Chuck Faldo
    14. Chris Raftery
    15. Ginger Furball

    16. Alej Parero
    17. Matthew Jones
    18. Zimon Sebo (newby1)
    19. Girve Swirvington (EverReady)
    20. Darren Cave (earl the beaver)
    21. Slug Horgan (Mr. Very Popular)
    22. Side Hooker (Yer Man)
  12. azzal AJ O'Neill

    Looknig good.
  13. Howe JHF Howe

    I guess if they got someone to sign up as a proper hooker and SH then that Celts side would be feasible. Wouldn't be worse than Asia.
  14. Furball G Furball

    The backline looks fairly promising if we pretend the fly halves don't exist.
  15. Howe JHF Howe

    Do these guys have a provincial side, Heef?
  16. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Killface is South Africa, TheFrog and Odval are France and Akkerman I've got no idea.

    Odval and Killface are the only ones that matter now though. Odval has seemingly registered here.

    As for "alternative provinces" - well, I've never bothered to ask. It's not as if there's an obvious alternative for them.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  17. Howe JHF Howe

    Yeah, I was wondering if you were using the same policy as Cribbage for giving everyone a team.
  18. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    It'll be up to them to decide if they even want to play for a different team than their home province.
  19. Howe JHF Howe

  20. Furball G Furball

    How feasable would a 4-way tournament between England, New Zealand, Australia and Every Cunt Else* be?

    *name tbc

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