Season 12 Club Cricket Basic Draw

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Cribbage, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Easy as, Stickies Premiers
  2. Chewie JA Chewie

    aka double elimination. because it's used in every single LoL tournament :p
  3. Escath LE Schaw

    You don't use double elimination after 18 weeks of round robin :p
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

    Top 3.
  5. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Yes it does. The team that finishes 4th in a 9 man league should have a very difficult job in winning the competition.

    What is the point in a finals series anyway may I ask? Something I've never really understood?
  6. Mike ML Martyn

    The Vipers in the first round? Fuck that.
  7. Jabba HJ Bots

    you know it


    *well until we all switch to another game
  8. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Then the Allstars and the bye :laugh: Strong chance of you cunts being on 0 after 3 weeks.
  9. Mike ML Martyn

    It wouldn't surprise me, I guess.
  10. Wilson SB Wilson

    How about making the second XI a full competition? Adding the old school Ireland team back in just for the second XI so every bye week the first team has the second squad plays Ireland. Could help with progression, selection issues, form and the like.

    Give me a hell yer.
  11. morgieb MC Burridge

    That's actually not a bad idea IMO.
  12. Captain SSD Dong

    Tough fixtures up front for us.
  13. RyanG R Gee

    I don't know what LoL is but why is it in just about every thread I open?
  14. morgieb MC Burridge

    Online game that half the Pumas play iirc.
  15. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    Carn The Cyclones :thumbsup:
  16. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    bring on round 5
  17. Raide KN Rask

    Really now!? Vipers AND Allstars to start the season.

    I don't think the competition could handle two upsets in a row, to start the season (face)

    Very much looking forward to round 5 myself.
  18. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    McIntrye system, IMO
  19. Furball G Furball

    Presumably a system where the team that's top of the table after 16 games is declared the winners is too complex?
  20. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I would rather listen to rap.

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