Movies where actresses looked their best in

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Alec, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Is this a serious post? I haven't seen Under Siege 2 and I have no idea what it's about so I can't tell. :p

    I actually came in here to say Katherine Heigl - 27 Dresses.
  2. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    It's a Steven Seagal movie. Can't fucking believe you haven't seen it. Fucking homo cunt.
  3. Alec AD Funkotron

    Was Under Siege 2 the one with the train?
  4. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Big time.
  5. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    Fail thread without pics.
  6. BigGuns DA Astele

    Nah, Monsters Ball, all nude and dirty getting the guts fucked out of her, although a nude Billy Bob Thornton kinda spoils it.
  7. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    angelina jolie in mr and mrs smith
  8. AVA T Delonge

    Billy Bob Thornton in Monsters Ball.
  9. Black Toast Forever TG Bullpitt

    I had a video cunt. Thats like a thousand times better.
  10. Speirz DG Speirs

  11. 99* JJ Ritchie

  12. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Sylvester Stallone in rocky 4, his body was prime there, a lot more definition than the early films.
  13. Alec AD Funkotron

    Carl Weathers was pretty hot there too.
  14. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Carl Weathers is one of my favourite ever actors, had the best roles.

    And if I'm not mistaken he's the voice of Mufasa?
  15. Alec AD Funkotron

    Nah, that's James Earl Jones, aka Darth Vader and the bad guy from Conan.
  16. BigGuns DA Astele

    Weathers and Stallone...Hawt.
    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    God dam it I knew that, fact dropped weathers as being mufasa once before and been shot down.

  18. El Nino J Torres

  19. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

  20. Shri G Shriram

    Scarlett Johansson - Match Point

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