Lord of the Rings Mafia: Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Howe, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Gazza GJ Weaver

    What the deuce was this QT and how did this come about?
  2. Skippos SM Morgan

    Howe if you want you can re-start this ahead of DW maf?
  3. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Give it some time imo
  4. Number 11 CJ Downes

    GOGOGO DW maf IMO.
  5. Howe JHF Howe

  6. Bender BG Herd

    Just as i had free time t o get back into this :/
  7. Athlai JJD Heads

    Pretty stoked no one figured out who I was when Eds claimed to me in the thread he knew my character role. Good stuff Eds.
  8. Furball G Furball

    lol @ mafia having a cry about Eds not being lynched.
  9. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Well, he should have been according to the rules.
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    I did, Eds to c'
  11. Eds E Ames

    Fool =/= Faramir.
  12. Athlai JJD Heads

    If I was hypothetically a cop would Sauron have shown up in my cop report?
  13. Eds E Ames

    So, Gazza knew he was visited by someone, and realised he received a fake message but did nothing?

  14. Howe JHF Howe

    Yeah, he had enough powers otherwise.
  15. Athlai JJD Heads

    Still a lynching of Heef would've been a good morale boost for town.

    Faramir to be cop next time <.<

    I mean obviously I won't be Faramir again. Obviously.
  16. Skippos SM Morgan

  17. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

  18. Skippos SM Morgan

    pointing out that he was speaking in code offers no advantage or anything in the game.

    whatevs though.
  19. Eds E Ames

    It's almost like Skippos scattergunning every member suggesting they're mafia and claiming he got it right when one of them is mafia.
  20. Howe JHF Howe

    Indeed. Dire.

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