Is it just me

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by GYR, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. GYR DW Lewis

    Or did the Stingrays suddenly get browner?
  2. Colesy BL Hornby

    We got darker,yes.
  3. El Nino J Torres

    just was thinking the same thing
  4. AVA T Delonge

    I was going to make this thread. They did.
  5. Andato BJT Manera

    Horrible colour IMO but I can not say too much.
  6. El Nino J Torres

    should try #D4A017 IMO
  7. Wilson SB Wilson

    Siro looks like shit.
  8. Colesy BL Hornby

    That means nothing to me
  9. Marto RK Fittaman

    Looks more spewish.
  10. Freddy MJ Johns

    Lol, looks terrible.
  11. crowley DA Crowley

    Much rather the pink than the brown.
  12. AVA T Delonge

    Looks like someone ate a turd then spewed it up, tbh.
  13. GYR DW Lewis

    Looks like their bowels have gotten really creative and shat out their forum names.
  14. GYR DW Lewis


    Mine was better :ninja:.
  15. El Nino J Torres

  16. Marto RK Fittaman

  17. Freddy MJ Johns

    I can't tak the Stingrays seriously looking like that... actually scrap that, I never could.
  18. Andato BJT Manera

    Agreed, but a few don't like it. This brown is awful though.
  19. Alec AD Funkotron

    So it went from piss yellow to shit brown.
  20. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    I don't know anyone remembers the old colour though? it was quite average.

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