Horrigan Plate Round 11 - Somestars v Knights (completed)

Discussion in 'Season 11 Archive' started by Cribbage, May 3, 2012.

  1. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Definitely. There's a Yarpie shop in my town and a Dutch shop almost opposite, and I don't exactly live in a big city.
  2. Droos JP Rhodes

    Dafuq is a Yarpie shop?
  3. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Yarpie=South African.
  4. MrPrez CM Dyer

    As jy jou navorsing gedoen het, sou jy dat Afrikaans Afrikaanse invloede het, geweet het.

    And for the record, you most certainly made a typo in your username (face)
  5. Droos JP Rhodes

    I see. Any specific meaning for Yarpie other than South African?

    Bad Google translation! :lamo:

    Lol, keep that between you and me you box!
  6. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Nah, I'm not afr first language so obviously my grammar will be off. Certainly did not plug and play ftr.

    I shall, but you know its true. Zohaib to confirm.
  7. Droos JP Rhodes

    I have made it public before that there is an obv spelling mistake in my name, but for those who don't understand Afrikaans or haven't done the research on Google translate won't know it. :ninja:
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

    Should it be dros?
  9. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Dross would sum things up pretty succinctly. (face)
  10. MrPrez CM Dyer


    Doos - means cunt in afrikaans.
  11. Droos JP Rhodes

    Betrayal . . .:starwars:

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