DotA 2

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by jazman84, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Escath LE Schaw

    Tusk is so strong. Randomed him and had nfi what I was doing, but still ended up stomping.

    Also found out Dota 2 refuses to open if you have Dolby Axon open at the same time.
  2. Number 11 CJ Downes

    What's the hero that has an ability that changes his range (e.g. Jayce)? Mates have been saying that he's been stomping hard latley.
  3. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Sniper? That doesn't sound right.
  4. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Nah, not Sniper. Not increased range, goes from ranged hero to melee hero via use of an ability. He's fairly new I think. You play much DoTA? I'm sure Escath and I would be keen to play some time.
  5. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I play HoN (My RL friends play it and half the heroes are basically the same thing) and watch competitive Dota2 because its way more entertaining, so I know basically how to play but only ever played a couple of games.
  6. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Also, you mean Troll Warlord I guess.
  7. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Yeah, I knew alot of former HoN players but they seem to have all migrated to DoTA. I got the impression that the game was dying and the community turning to shit, no idea for myself though, just what others have said.
  8. Arheiner SIA Yates

    The game is reviving competitively (So many players went back to Dota2, the scene has changed completely at pro level since Fnatic went back) and definitely not dying at pub levels. The main thing is it's probably the better game, but the community is so fking bad, and if you're under 1600MMR you can't really escape bar huge amounts of luck or 3+man queues. I know I'm one of the better players in this bracket (Statswise I have a really high GPM average for the bracked and decent KD) but my MMR never goes up.
  9. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Steam name is IgnobleCynic if anyone wants to add me from here.
  10. Escath LE Schaw

    HoN was never "dying", but it wasn't really growing either imo, mostly because of LoL. Now there's Dota 2 as well so there's even less reason for people to switch over to HoN.

    I reckon Dota 2's got the better gameplay, but it's got a very weak community. You can say all you like about the HoN community, but at least they're there and they're for the most part tight (even if they do like to flame each other heaps). Dota 2 doesn't even have their own official forums (they have a development forum, but that's purely for bug reporting/ideas/suggestions; nothing gameplay/balance related). The closest thing would probably be, but that's really the Dota mod website.

    Also, unfortunately Dota 2's appeal to the international market has split the community a bit too much. LoL also has a large international market, but that came after it already got big. Dota 2's community has been split from the beginning, largely because of the legacy of the mod. The language barrier becomes a huge issue; I reckon I get at least one non-English speaker at least every second game, if not more and that was even when I was exclusively playing on the USW servers.

    Another major thing that affects pub level Dota 2 is the lack of a "best" metagame. The LoL competitive scene has a pretty rigid metagame. I say rigid as in once a perceived better style of play is developed by one team, every other team soon follows and the scene now has a new metagame. You have champions that are played as a support in 99% of non-troll games, champions that are deemed to be the better junglers etc. This was mostly true of HoN as well, at least when I played it about two years ago. Dota 2 however has multiple metagames at the competitive tier. On top of this, while there are heroes that are "carries" and "supports", you then have a whole bunch of semi-carries, gankers, roamers, initiators that all fit into the meta. These heroes can then all be played in different lanes/the jungle.

    What this means is at pub level of LoL and HoN, it's easy for players to follow the competitive meta They have seen that in almost every game, it's either a 2/1/2 or a 2/1/1/1, or something else completely. They can imitate that in their own games. With Dota 2, it's not as easy, which along with the weaker community, means pub level Dota 2 is a huge mess. There just isn't a metagame. People just play what they want to play. Team comps consisting of 4 or 5 carries or semicarries are not uncommon.
  11. Arheiner SIA Yates

    You do realise that HoN has pretty much all of those problems, except the non-english, since we just gave them their own game. Also, the competitive meta lacks a "best" metagame too, it just rotates through cookie-cutters and doesn't affect pub level (Case in point, current meta is dual-lanes mind and you will never see that at a pub level)
  12. Escath LE Schaw

    Ah ok. I did say I haven't played in two years or so :p

    Do Fnatic still play/own? :p
  13. Arheiner SIA Yates

    They dominated DHS 2012 when they were playing Dota2 full time, then went back, played a fun tournament at which they got trashed (Went 1-5) and haven't been seen since. NoVa stayed at HoN to found his own clan, QsQ and the rest rejoined Trixi and moved on.

    Current dominant teams are sG, coL and tdM, doubt you'd know many of the players on these teams, since most good HoN players are playing Dota2 again, every game I watch I see some of them. The environment since Hontour was started is becoming decent, since there's regular competition for money (Still only 4 teams have made finals in 5 cycles though)

    Also, keen to play some Dota tomorrow if anyones on.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  14. Escath LE Schaw

    Does Slickz still play?
  15. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Yeah, he quit TTes from his captain position and now's dominating with sG (A team Swindle formed with Zfreek, Chessie and Khezu) as their carry player (He's better now since sG plays on LAN from USE, so no retarded Aussie ping.)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
  16. Escath LE Schaw

    Haha I remember when Swindle kicked someone off TdM just so his brother Zfreek could go to DH. Turns out he was actually pretty good as well (But they still got stomped by Slickz's Australian team Fray).
  17. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Well he lasted longer than Swindle did at tdM, he's now a hard support player so Chessie (Famous for 12 minute annihilation on Ophelia in a major final, best player of the hero in HoN ATM by a mile) can jungle. Slickz seems better, even though he's playing weird heroes, he doesn't have to captain and Swindle can, though Swindle can still only play about 6 heroes.
  18. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    I still don't like the unresponsiveness of Dota2, the game itself is not too bad though for a joke when I don't feel like playing LoL.
  19. Escath LE Schaw

    Oh yeah, the Dota 2 community is also obnoxious compared to LoL.

    People rage at everything in the game. Just had a game where we had to go against Tusk/Clockwerk, which is pretty much gg because they can trap you forever. Our Syllabear just sat in the jungle and cried whenever we died. We left our lane because we couldn't do anything, then he cried because we gave up our tower. Stuff like this happens way too much. People pick hard carries and expect the rest of the team to effectively carry it for them for the first 30 minutes. When it doesn't happen, it must be because the team is bad because he's used to going 10/0 every game because he is left alone for 30 minutes.
  20. Arheiner SIA Yates

    This is always the problem with solo queue though. It's why I never play supports, because I have about a 10% win ratio since my team can't carry, yet on my strongest carries I have 80%+ (Lone Druid equiv 83% 550gpm average for example.) If this happens regularly, I end up just picking mids/junglers that snowball/hard carry and I can play well, then drag my team almost literally behind me kicking and screaming.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013

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