Don Bradman Cricket 14

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Gazza, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Mousey AJ Son

    The whole Career Mode will make me get this, even if its shit.
  2. MrPrez CM Dyer

    I'm genuinely not looking to be a kill-joy, and may well buy it, but I haven't liked much about what I've seen so far.
  3. Storer BA Storer

    That was a bug which they've now fixed.

    The movement may be slow or fast depending on what difficulty you play on (iirc), but playing on the hardest difficulty should be perfect.
  4. Tartmaster AJ James

    Whatever happened to Cricket Life?
  5. Skippos SM Morgan

    In the same boat. All the nuts and bolts and small things that every cricket fan craves in a game are present but I can't help but worry the central element that makes these nuts and bolts worthwhile might be a little rubbish.

    Like I remember in the codemasters games it was impossible to get a realistic edge. It'd balloon off the bat with no physics. In this it seems to be very realistic, but it's not much use having realistic edging if the process to edge the ball is just shit and the shot is just unrealistic like some in the video.
  6. Hunter AD Hunt

  7. Stormer BH Borisc

    they have an answer for everything don't they
  8. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    The trailer will hopefully answer some queries. :)
  9. Cabinet96 OTN Wood

    I get the feeling that they're making some interesting excuses for some of the dodgy looking things in the screenshots and trailers. Higher than normal fielding reflexes, playing around with different difficulties etc. Why would they deliberately do things that would appear like faulty gameplay?

    I love the whole idea of what they're trying to do but I just haven't been that impressed with the screenshots and trailer.
  10. Chewie JA Chewie

    I think the most important thing with this game compared the ones in the past is the amount of community imput. The Big Ant guys have been constantly on the forums answering questions and taking suggestions so feature wise it won't be lacking at all. Mechanics wise though, it'll be interesting to see how it does
  11. Captain SSD Dong

    Just watched the trailer and yeah, I've gotta agree somewhat.

    It'll still probably be the best cricket game made, but that's really not saying much.
  12. Shagger PW Adams

  13. Alec AD Funkotron

    Those Pakis from India always mod the games to make them more challenging/realistic on the PC. As long as the basic mechanics are great, everything else will be fine tuned by them.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
  14. BMT BMT Con

    As long as the longevity is there to play with mates 6 months down the track or have a play every now and then I won't mind.
  15. Stormer BH Borisc

    exact same thing for afl game which was/is a piece of shit.

    im still pumped as fuck but gotta take everyhting into account
  16. Julian BJ Taylor

    Won't be as good as Shane warne cricket 99.
  17. MASTERS S Masters

    so so true !!

    Are we able to pre order it yet ?
  18. Eds E Ames

  19. SM MD Dorn

    Just make a game with fucking licensed teams already FFS
  20. Colesy BL Hornby


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