CricSim Tennis: Newport [G] and Bogota [IH]

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Scottie, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Scottie NG Scott

    Newport, RI - Pictured: Hilary Bots, pre-surgery.

    Pictured: Zagreb. Not Pictured: The place this tournament will be played. I found out that Bogotá only really has clay courts, but I made a good joke so we're running with it.

    The people have called for it and the authorities have listened! No clay court shit this week!

    Newport, RI plays host to the second grass court tournament in a kick in the nuts to those clamouring for Queen's, while there's a debut on the indoor hard courts of rainy, rainy Bogotá, where there is certain to be a kidnapping and a drug suspension.

    Also, the tour is lacking players, and therefore some cunts need to join:

    Preferred Surface: Hard/Clay/Grass/Carpet
    Biggest Strength: Serve/Forehand/Backhand/Volleying
    What Your First Initial Stands For: i.e. NG Scott=Nigel
    Nationality: (Only if Unclear from your CricSim Nationality - i.e. Celtic Provinces, Asia, etc.)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  2. Mousey AJ Son


  3. MrPrez CM Dyer

  4. Furball G Furball

  5. Doog J McDougal

    Best news.
  6. Howe JHF Howe

    Get in.

    Do we get to go to Disney world on this trip?
  7. loganb JEM Logan

    Want at least a semi-final appearance this time please. Me and Force should be paired together again.
  8. Shiv CD Ochocinco

    Awesome. :toot:
  9. Magrat Garlick M Garlick

    Hm what to do now.
  10. Furball G Furball

    After the recent goings on in Peru I think it's best if I stay away from Bogota.
  11. Eds E Ames

    Need to regain form and stay away from Reframe.
  12. MASTERS S Masters

    bestest news
  13. Weeman27bob BE Force

  14. Gazza GJ Weaver

  15. Chewie JA Chewie

  16. jimmy_c8 MC James

    Keen as!
  17. morgieb MC Burridge

  18. Droos JP Rhodes

    Bring on Newport and my second singles title.
  19. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

  20. Escath LE Schaw

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