CricSim North

Discussion in 'Provincial Competitions' started by Ged, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Eggman DA Eggman

    WOAH MAN, don't use the N word like that.
  2. Wilson SB Wilson

    This team will get so rolled.
  3. morgieb MC Burridge

    Shit team is shit.
  4. McGrath JE McGrath

    I want to play in the same team as Gemmel as then i can shower with him (not in a gay way) and to see if the rumours are true that he is "big".
  5. Choco C Man

    I can't believe how long it went on for.
  6. BigDougy DG Dafter

    Marcuss to be in the team ahead of the curry muncher IMO.
  7. McGrath JE McGrath


    There's always one use for you Colesy.
  8. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    McGrath to take out the #5 spot IMO.
  9. Callum CJ Laing

    I would say so. Shri has done terribly with the ball at rep level, so should only really be considered purely on his batting IMO.

    Yeah I would have had him in at 5 before this round and this round just secured it IMO.
  10. Shri G Shriram

    I have just played about 5 games in rep cricket ffs. Got over a 100 BS wickets. Bowling should click sometime soon.
  11. Baxter MJ Deane

    Nice FC bowling average you've got there.
  12. Eds E Ames

    Nice rankings you've got there.

  13. Baxter MJ Deane

    Yep. Rankings incorporate Rep.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2010
  14. Colesy BL Hornby

    lol. You cant seriously pick McGrath over myself and Luffman...
  15. Baxter MJ Deane

    Seriously can....
  16. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Nah you can't marcuss. Ged is the selector...
  17. Colesy BL Hornby


    I play for the rays and live in QLD.

    Therefor Me >>> McGrath.
  18. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Colsey is definitely the better batsmen and arguing with that is foolish. McGrath has had a brilliant rep season which helps his cause, but Hornby has a lot more behind him, and last rep season he was your best so it is not as if he is a failure at rep level.
  19. Gazza GJ Weaver

    McGrath will play
  20. Ged GEC King

    Look at McGrath's rep record. That's way too hard to ignore.

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