Bring on Season 2

Discussion in 'Archive of Seasons Past' started by Eds, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. kingdamo DRP Taylor

    Depressed TSTL.
  2. Frizzed WC Welker

    I keep telling you to come down to the pub ****.
  3. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Love your lack of bullshit Marcuss! :D
  4. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    I lol'd at Ben Herd having a good season.
  5. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Lol at Marcuss.

    Sorry CCG, Giants got no chance :p
  6. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    "I'm disappointed that Marcuss has bypassed his club's Media Manager." said Spartans Media Manager Heef Davis in an impromptu press conference today, "Coupled with this, he has not used the tried and tested Spartans Approved (TM) media liaison techniques. For the avoidance of doubt, these involve spitting at the interviewer, hitting on their teenage daughter and attempting to pickpocket them. This failure to adhere to standard club protocols will be dealt with internally. This may involve Marcuss having to ingest a-hundredweight of bovine laxatives, but this cannot be confirmed."
  7. Eggman DA Eggman

    Shame on him, shame.
  8. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Classic mistake there of thinking Eds was able to get a daughter...
  9. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Good read
  10. Fungus K Fung

    Great read. Has gotten me excited.
  11. Baxter MJ Deane

    I hit on his sister :p
    To defend myself, he approached me in a bar, where on route I was pickpocketed myself thus had no means of contacting you Heef!
  12. Kylez KF Tait

    Great stuff, can't wait for the season to start, nice to see Marcus tips me for a big season.
  13. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Good to see I was the main point of the opening of season 2.
  14. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Good read, what happened to my thing though :(
  15. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    It's there...Just real small.
  16. kingdamo DRP Taylor

    Yeah haha, I put a lot of effort into that 5 minute spiel.
  17. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    I didn't read anything that didn't have my name in it, TBH.
  18. Darts CB Darts

    Should be an interesting season looking forward to it.
  19. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Watching Giants dominate should be quite interesting.
  20. Doog J McDougal

    Lol turns out I can't read. Its like an exam here...

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