ALC Discussion

Discussion in 'Second XI Competitions' started by MightyPies, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Callum CJ Laing

    Being tall/large doesn't always mean you can drink more. I know guys who are like 160cm and could out drink almost anyone.
  2. Fiery GR Smith

    I called my friend Johnny...and said WTF
  3. Skippos SM Morgan

    It's not my fault :(
  4. 99* JJ Ritchie

    Were you not born with a liver? Or a spine? :p
  5. Fiery GR Smith

  6. Skippos SM Morgan


    friendship terminated.

    I have.......other......... endearing features :(
  7. El Nino J Torres

    A heart imo.
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

  9. Fiery GR Smith

    Why the fuck did you just PM me with a photo on my daughter?
  10. 99* JJ Ritchie

    Was once told by a mate of mine (around 5'6"/75kg or so) that he could handle alcohol better than me (6'5"/110) because it was scientifically proven that smaller people could drink more before getting drunk.

    He ended up vomiting everywhere in his mothers house that night. Pissed on an electrical socket and slept outside.

    He hasn't tried telling me that shit since.
  11. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Agreed. I'm 170 and can outdrink most of my friends. Sucks though - costs me more than 30 pounds before I would consider myself drunk on a night out. I usually don't bother now a days. Or just shot a fuck ton at once... But they always end up the most expensive nights out.
  12. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

  13. Skippos SM Morgan

    I didn't PM you anything?
  14. Fiery GR Smith

    Yes he did. Skippos is fucked up
  15. Skippos SM Morgan

    Admin to check - i didn't PM him a thing.
  16. Das09 S Das

    Don't think Admins can check.
  17. El Nino J Torres

    report the PM Fiery.
  18. Skippos SM Morgan

    99% sure cribb at least could. VB allows admins to check inboxes - although it takes awhile iirc
  19. Fiery GR Smith

    Need to ban Skippos
  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    yeah firry, report the PM.

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