2014 Grand Final: Rabbitohs V Bulldogs

Discussion in 'Matches' started by Harry Sack, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Dunno about that. Still think he has defensive issues.
  2. Julian BJ Taylor

    I can't think of a better season from a running forward.
  3. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    You might want to rephrase that.
  4. Julian BJ Taylor

    Why is that?
  5. Jazz NC Smith

    I think you have to come up with something a little more compelling.

    I'd say its on par with Price's season (remembering that I've only seen the latter half of Burgess's season). Price was technically a much better defender (read: wrestler) but in 2007 he still only averaged ~25 tackles a game. So even if you prefer Price's quality over quantity - which I do - do you think that it is enough to make up for Burgess's indisputable advantage as an attacking weapon?
  6. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Wasn't actually even talking about Price. I think Gallen's produced a better club season than both.
  7. Pretzel P Retzel

    Josh Reynolds apparently played most of the game with a dislocated shoulder.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  8. Jazz NC Smith

    I could believe separated shoulder or damaged joint. But if he genuinely dislocated his shoulder he wouldn't be able to move his arm, unless someone put it back in for him, which I don't recall happening.
  9. Alec AD Funkotron

    He's played his entire career with a dislocated brain.
  10. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    :laugh:...Don't know why that made me laugh so.
  11. Rocks DN Boland

    Probably popped straight back in.
  12. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah, in which case he didn't 'play most the game with a dislocated shoulder'; he just dislocated his shoulder early in the game. Once your shoulder gets popped back in - either by itself or with help - then it's not dislocated anymore. Still hurts like a bitch of course.
  13. Toolman TR Man

    His mum kissed it better.
  14. Jazz NC Smith

    Which is conceivable but putting shoulders back in isn't half as easy as it is made out to be, especially for professional athletes with significant muscle mass around their joint and particularly if it isn't an injury that happens to him frequently.

    Anyway, tough of him to do so if it is true.

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