Should there be a salary cap?

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by morgieb, May 30, 2009.


Should there be a salary cap?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Carbonators FTW

  1. nz0003 JR Denton

    Just close this thread and forget about it, by the looks of things nothing will happen.
  2. Youngman JE Harding

    I was just about to say that.
  3. morgieb MC Burridge

    Yeah, Cribb has said that this won't be implemented, no matter which way we try do it....
  4. Jeffy JU Rocker

    He made that pretty clear about like a billion pages ago.
  5. morgieb MC Burridge

  6. Lukic L Popovic

    Pretty much.
  7. Ged GEC King

    And then failed. No smilie now.
  8. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Nah, leave it as it is.
  9. SM MD Dorn

    5 pages of discussion about something rob said wouldn't happen on the first page :p
  10. Eggman DA Eggman

    Really could be summed up like this, If it's not broke don't fix it.
  11. SM MD Dorn

    is it broken though?

    Ravens GF last 2 seasons, looking food for this season
  12. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Thats got nothing to do with that. That's just a group of ****s who like to suck off Rob.
  13. Eggman DA Eggman

    I don't think so. Soon players will bet better and will want to be in First XI so a spread will occur.
  14. Magic AJ Parker

    I like the idea of a salary cap but probably for different reasons to others. I'm not so fussed about salaries and increase in stats, I just think it would hopefully make a much more even competition, create more talk and make the roles of the board all that more important whilst adding more interest.

    *Points system

    Rather than a salary cap as such why not go with a points cap? This is where each player would be given a points ranking from 1 to 10 based on things like batting/bowling ranking, FC Games played & Representative games.


    Each team would obviously have a cap, so for a squad of 15 (which we would be your highest 15 players) each club would get a cap of 100. They must fill this cap with 15 players, you can't just sign 11 players with 100 points so one of the things that would need to be found out is what would be a necessary cap size and are there enough active players to make it a top 15, possibly more or less.

    *Loyalty scheme

    Something that I think needs to be in every cap, discounts should be made for juniors, one club players or players who have played over a certain amount of games at one club. Each will be weighted differently and discount from their total points score.

    *New teams/long serving teams

    Most people are probably thinking that the big benefiters out of this will be the long serving teams like the Stickies and well mainly just the Stickies and it would be a fair point but maybe something like a weighting system could be introduced. Where playing one season for the Ravens would be equal to one and a half for the Sticky Wickets. Obviously would need to find the right balance for that.

    I guess another flaw is that it will make it harder for new teams to come in as no players will qualify under the loyalty discounts but I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing all new clubs should be encouraged to get a core group of players and then fill the rest with newbies so that they are sustainable in the future. After a season or two they'd be just like any other club and they will have earnt it.

    For arguments sake lets say the scoring system worked like this;

    [COLOR=Red]First Class games
    0 FC Games = 0 points
    1-25 FC Games = 1 point
    26-50 FC Games = 2 points
    51+ FC Games = 3 points
    Outside top 50 = 0 points
    Inside top 50 = 1 point
    Inside top 25 = 2 points
    Inside top 10 = 3 points
    Rep Games
    0 = 0
    1-5 = 1 point
    5-10 = 2 points
    10+ = 3 points[/COLOR]  
    [COLOR=SeaGreen]Junior = -1
    2-3 seasons = -1
    3-4 seasons = -1.5
    5+ seasons = - 2[/COLOR] 

    Player A
    FC Games: 72 
    Rank: 4
    Rep games:  17
    Junior: No
    Seasons at current club: 2
    Points = 9
    Discounts = -1
    Total Price = 8
    Player B
    FC Games: 7
    Rank: 48
    Rep Games: 0
    Junior: Yes
    Seasons at club: 1
    Points = 2
    Discounts = -1
    Total Price = 1

    Obviously stats would need working out to be realistic and if you wanted to implement a cash where you can increase simming average maybe something like the following;

    Players with;

    1 point = $11,000 - $20,000
    2 points = $21,000 - $30,000
    3 points = $31,000 - $40,000

    Would stop players who are loyal taking a major pay cut but still provide competition for players with a certain points number. Each team could get a cap of say 1m for example.

    Just some ideas... not sure if anyone will like it but I don't think it's a bad path to take if we were to ever go with the salary cap.
  15. SM MD Dorn

    holy ****, you're quite into that :p
  16. Magic AJ Parker

    :p waiting for the time to pass so just thought I'd write up an outline.

    Been a big fan of a salary cap though through all discussions so thought it was about time I put up with an idea.
  17. SuperNova SJ Nova

    That's nice to know.
  18. Fungus K Fung

    I'm eager for it to work, but Magic seems to be thinking heaps about it. :p
  19. Kovas C Kovas

    If it was to work, clubs wouldn't make the offer. Each player would have a market value, and that's what they have to be bought for. A limit is set, and recruitment must stay within the cap.
  20. Gonzo JP Gonzalez


    *Thread Closed*

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