i don't think so? what is it? um, i think weapon upgrades are only available in contracts mode which i haven't played yet. but with "killing tools" it sort of depends on the level, but in basically every level theres a lot of bricks and bottles and usually 1 or 2 (sometimes more) sharp weapons that can be used for throwing etc like knives/screwdrivers/shivs/cleavers/axes and shit.
yeah you can do that too if that's what you meant, you star every level with your fiber wire and your silverballers.
Just finished Portal 2. Decent game. Love games where there's like no rush and like not waves of enemies or anything. Finished Uncharted and Portal 2 now. Uncharted 2 to go.
Need to get a copy of Portal 2, got halfway through it when I lived at my old place, but it was my housemates copy. However as I only need to play half a game, I feel reluctant to pay more than £10-15 for it.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MVbeoSPqRs4?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Keen.
Downloaded a few mildly oldies to play again. Master of Orion Theme Hospital Dungeon Keeper I'm still an ace at MoO despite having not played it in years. They don't make 'em like that anymore (or they do, and I just haven't noticed). Gonna work my way through Dungeon Keeper now.