Semi-Live Round 8: Seahawks Vs. Ice Hurricanes @ Slicing Ice Arena

Discussion in 'Season 1' started by Flack, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Marto RK Fittaman

    Was it Luffers?
  2. Eds E Ames

    No. No it wasn't.
  3. Marto RK Fittaman

    Who was it?
  4. Eds E Ames

    An anonymous member of the CricSim community.
  5. Luffers JRE Luffman


    I'm a bastard and wanted to clear a spot for myself.

    I'm a selfish IH player.
  6. Marto RK Fittaman

    Well this person is an obv. liar who should be named.
  7. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Hes no where near your position. Thats humble you need to be a bastard about.

    Im clearly the best choice for C
  8. Marto RK Fittaman

    I am the victim of a hate crime. Stanley knows what I'm talking about.
  9. CCG C Golding

    Marto not to leave, espeically if we get a subbie, as he is an awesome photo poster :p
  10. Verigoat S Verigotta

  11. Luffers JRE Luffman

    I want to play everywhere.
  12. Hughesy JM Hughes

    Canes in turmoil..... I like.
  13. Marto RK Fittaman

    The middle C stands for Champion :)
  14. CCG C Golding

    Haha cheers man :wub:
  15. Marto RK Fittaman

    No worries mate
  16. Luffers JRE Luffman

    It's not turmoil. It's absurdity.

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