So if I have Messi in my team and pick him as one of the players I want to use my first refusal clause on, would I still need to bid on him or do I simply get him for a price lower than what he goes for?
If the 'highest bid' is £50m, then you'd need to bid £45.5m. If the 'highest bid' is £100m, then you'd need to big £90.5m. etc.
I think itd probably be more entertaining tbh Real time doesn't go anywhere till like 2 mins before finish, and with silent you can laugh at people who have massivley overpaid Missing out on so many deadlines through things out of my control and people just posting a bid 2 seconds after someone else is just unfair If your going to do real time you need to have something that removes luck from bidding, like in actual auctions
That's why there was pairs. If you don't think you'll be on for many deadlines then stay in a pair this season. And bid before the deadline ffs. You can't expect to not be on and still pick up bargains.
Me and Speirz both have jobs (Im assuming on Speirz' part) Even if hes asleep and im on cricsim if I need to take a call as the deadline comes in then thats extremely beneficial to those who are students And again, it all just comes down to luck, thats not what auctions should be about
Why do you have to bid at the deadline? Just bid what you want for a player whenever you get on? The only alternative you're suggesting is a silent auction which I'm not even going to consider because it's much more work and I'm already doing more than I'd like for this.
I'm happy with the real time auction as I think it's more fun. I would prefer to have a deadline which doesn't shift about much though. Makes it a bit easier to actually turn up on time everyday and just bid.
You dont really know how far youd go until you get there though Even a change as little as if someone bids 20 seconds before the end of the round then everyone gets an added 2 minutes to bid on the player Anything to take luck out of bidding will make it much better
I'm about to enter into 65 hour work weeks for the next month actually. Huzzah. I'd honestly be in favour of having a mix of silent and live auctions tbh. Just my two cents.
Im happy for no first refusal system if people dont like it. Id also prefer a delay until september before this starts. Working for next 2 weeks and them on holiday for 2 after that
Quite frankly who cares what veri wants. If he doesn't like the system he doesn't have to play. It seems that the majority want the same auction format.
Compromise imo. Have it like battrick where the auction extends to 5 minutes after the most recent bid.
It'd decrease the number of absolute bargains but it's the fairest solution IMO. Not even hard to keep track of.