Season 12 Transfers Thread

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by RyanG, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Puma's are favourites for ALC with our without him.
  2. Skippos SM Morgan

    Also lol @ Pumas starting yet another feud with a club. Out of the blue this time too.
  3. Escath LE Schaw

    It was really just Paul trying to have a go at Skippos, then the rest of the Rays started talking shit about RLH, so we all jumped in defence of our new teammate :)
  4. Number 11 CJ Downes

    So you didn't PM him, didn't post it publically but just talked about it privately knowing full well he wouldn't see it. Doesn't seem like the huge uproar Tkp is trying to make out.

    I'm not feuding. I have no ill feelings towards you or any stingrays and hope that it is mutual. I'm just making it clear that yes you most definitely did treat a member I like poorly.
  5. Teacups CJ Evans

    I can't speak for everyone but by the time I came to know of Skippos' post - everyone on here was talking about completely different things so I (along with others) shared our opinion on the sub forum. Whether it's said in public or in our sub forum is irrelevant. An opinion is an opinion. RLH had access to the sub forum a while after those posts were made. If he could locate that single Skippos post then surely he could locate the multiple posts regarding the matter in our subbie. I don't think it would have made a difference where we made our posts. Unlikely he would have missed most of the posts anyway.

    I can see however, that guiding him to that Skippos post can act as a good recruitment strategy.

    Yes, he is the HoR and it was poor form from a member who has a position of authority at our club but it still doesn't justify not letting someone like Steve know before leaving.
  6. Cevno IV Narang

    Is RLH the Flopdulkar fellow that signed up on Cricketweb and also admins Cricifire ?
  7. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    Love the quirky, yet senseless posts from Jabba.

  8. Mike ML Martyn

    Who cares. He's a good bloke when he's around, but he's not active and his player is shit. He literally wouldn't even start in ALC. Insulting his forum activity and the quality of his CricSim player is hardly an insult anyway.
  9. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Well it kind of it relevant. The club position on the matter as stated by Skippos was never challenged publically by the Ray's, therefore I see a rejected RLH with no one standing up for him and ask the Puma's to go for him. If the Ray's held such strong views and even one of them had bothered to go into the thread to disagree I would have left him alone. Plus I thought he was blue (free agent) when I messaged him...

    All I'm hearing is you knew he didn't read posts but you didn't PM or VM or make any effort to resign him. Yet you expect him too notify you of his movements....
  10. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Just a few examples - there are a multitude of them, including less subtle ones that -1'ing him every single turn in the hurt/heal etc.

    Whether you thought this or not, openly saying that sort of shit - repeatedly - about a team-mate who have no actual problem with personally when you're in a position of authority is poor form. Unless you were just winding him up of course (see Mousey jokes, Ritchie jokes, Shri jokes etc), which wasn't the case here; you were just ragging on him constantly and made it known that you really didn't want him at the club, despite the wishes of the president and the rest of the team.

    If you can't admit that was poor form then you're off your head. You just don't do that.
  11. Teacups CJ Evans

    Huge uproar? Never said that either. I said Skippos is the only one who spoke of him/his player in a negative light and you are talking like it is the consensus of the Ray's team and I'm saying that's not the case. We voiced our opinions saying that what Skippos did was poor form. I wouldn't call it an uproar. Honestly, I didn't expect him to leave for it - if I knew that I would have made a post publicly about it. I just thought he'd miss the post and everyone would be better off. With that said, I don't blame him for leaving after he located that post.

    Granted, Skippos treating him poorly. The rest of us didn't. My posts may give that "huge uproar" impression because of you generalising. Skippos =/= Rays.
  12. Number 11 CJ Downes

    "OMG RLH's player is so shit, please don't tell me we have too sign him . That is an insult, don't argue otherwise.
  13. Hunter AD Hunt

    Fight fight fight!
  14. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Nah I think he just has the same avatar.
  15. Cevno IV Narang

    From where did Rays get Chapnis and Payne to sign, btw ? Offsite ?

    Payne has made 1 post in over a year.
  16. Old Mate M Perry

    Despicable treatment.
  17. PaulFromOz PF Oz

  18. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah Skippos knows them on other forums.
  19. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Essentially, Skippos made a dog move by publically insulting his own player, and RLH made a dog move by not informing the rays that he was leaving.

    Call it evens and move on?
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  20. Teacups CJ Evans

    Pretty sure that Steve PM-ed him telling him to re-sign. I recall him saying that in the recruitment thread. Which is why I keep saying that he should have at least let Steve know.

    Anyway, I think it was a good move for RLH honestly. Mike says that he won't have an ALC spot. For me personally, even if other people in the team came to my aid publicly - I wouldn't want to stay after a figurehead of the team publicly criticises me. So nothing against RLH really. I do however know that I would PM the people who I know stood up for me or teammates I genuinely liked.

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