NNRL 2011 - Div II

Discussion in 'Betting, Tipping and Fantasy' started by SM, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. SM MD Dorn

    Laccia to draft for you IMO
  2. Lukic L Popovic

    Yo i in.
  3. RyanG R Gee

    I want in on this.
  4. Colesy BL Hornby

  5. SM MD Dorn

    Indeed. Auto correcting iphone FTL
  6. SM MD Dorn

    Gayler and Lukic in. Slyza can GAGF until he posts himself, and even then its up for debate.

    GYR's draft/bidding system is gun. Keen as for that?
  7. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Don't know about the rest but I'm keen for a straight bids
  8. Hunter AD Hunt

    Slyza was never active for it in the last one. He had half a team, never won a game and never went online to edit stuff. Don't let him play IMO.
  9. Colesy BL Hornby

    I'm hoping to get online over there to do this
    jf not start it on the 6th imo
  10. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yeah, wanna get my net sorted in my flat when I get there too.
  11. SM MD Dorn

    Wwont be straight away lads
  12. Colesy BL Hornby

    Wait till I get back then imo
  13. Gazza GJ Weaver

    When is the 1st round?
  14. Colesy BL Hornby

  15. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yea, around the 6th would be good then, make it start the Friday though.
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    You would need more than 5 days to get this done properly.
  17. GYR DW Lewis

    Friday is the worst time to start it as then you all have to wait until monday for the bids to finish.
  18. Gazza GJ Weaver

  19. Ged GEC King

    It's totally believable. I stand by the fact that it's a flawed system.
  20. SM MD Dorn

    Every system is flawed

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