MMA Simulator

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Humble, May 2, 2011.

  1. Andato BJT Manera

    They won't be cheering his name soon.
  2. Humble SA Humble

    The bell announces the first round!
    The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
    Brock Lesnar and Velasquez engage in a wild exchange of punches!
    Cain Velasquez is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows.
    Cain Velasquez throws an uppercut
    that lands solidly.

    Brock Lesnar tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
    Cain Velasquez jumps backwards and frees his leg.
    Velasquez is trying to counter now!
    A bunch of leg kicks from Cain Velasquez
    are blocked by Lesnar.
  3. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Not good
  4. Andato BJT Manera

    Looks like I have started the stronger
  5. Humble SA Humble

    Lesnar is holding Cain Velasquez's left leg... He's trying to take him down.
    Cain Velasquez loses balance and goes to the ground
    Brock Lesnar is in side mount over Cain Velasquez
    Brock Lesnar hovers above Velasquez
    Good punches to Velasquez's body
    Cain Velasquez put Lesnar in half guard.
    Brock Lesnar is in half guard over Velasquez
    Lesnar gets a good position on the ground. ..
    and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Cain Velasquez! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Cain Velasquez doesn't defend himself!
  6. Andato BJT Manera

    Defend yourself you fuck
  7. Humble SA Humble


    Brock Lesnar is in half guard over Velasquez
    A few fans don't like what they are seeing and begin to boo!
    Cain Velasquez tries to close the guard.
    Nothing from this effort.
    Brock Lesnar wants to finish his opponent on the ground
    Brock Lesnar can't find an opening in his opponent's guard!
    Lesnar clumsily fails here and it's time for Cain Velasquez to fight back!
    Velasquez attempts a triangle from bottom! Brock Lesnar slips out.
    Velasquez quickly turns his hips over and switches to the armbar! He's throwing everything at him.
    Brock Lesnar slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
    Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stand up Brock Lesnar. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
  8. Paddy P Orr

    Kick his ass again.
  9. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Good shit Brock
  10. Andato BJT Manera

    Lesnar might win this soon
  11. Humble SA Humble

    Cain Velasquez shoots for a double leg takedown!
    He hits it! Brock Lesnar is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Velasquez into his guard.
    Cain Velasquez is in closed guard over Lesnar
    Lesnar breaths deeply while on the ground.
    Velasquez throws a few hammer fists to the face of Brock Lesnar
    Velasquez misses a step and Brock Lesnar sees an opportunity to counter him!
    Lesnar works on the ground with his fingers over Velasquez's face
    He seems to have encountered the eye! What a classless move!
    Dan Miragliotta didn't see that!

    The clock says 4:15 in the 1 round
  12. Rusty RST Downpipes

    Hahaha, nice.
  13. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Love it
  14. Andato BJT Manera

    Smart move there Brock
  15. Humble SA Humble

    Lesnar is taking this opportunity to rest.
    The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
    Some counter punches against Brock Lesnar
    almost hit him as he moves away.
    Lesnar is not showing a great technique with that low kick...
    That one finds Velasquez's thigh
    Dan Miragliotta separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
  16. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yarn that they shook hands
  17. Humble SA Humble

    Round 2

    Lesnar tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
    Well done. Lesnar is clinching with Velasquez.
    Once Lesnar is able to keep you againts the fence in a clinch you must be worried.
    Lesnar tries a knee to the midsection...
    Ouch! That seems to have landed on Cain Velasquez's groin! Was that unintentional?
    Dan Miragliotta didn't see the foul!
  18. Andato BJT Manera

    They will probably go have Brunch afterwards.
  19. Andato BJT Manera

    How much did you pay Dan?
  20. Humble SA Humble

    Lesnar pushes off of Cain Velasquez and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
    Velasquez stumbles backwards but Brock Lesnar chases him and continues the rain of blows!
    There is a small laceration on Cain Velasquez's Right eye
    Velasquez seems a bit groggy... his movements are not very coordinated now .Lesnar pushes Cain Velasquez againts the fence and begin a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on it's feet! Brock Lesnar is just brutalizing Velasquez with punches time and time again!
    Velasquez crumples to the mat and Lesnar moves in to finish him. The referee jumps in and stops the fight!

    IT IS OVER!!!!

    Velasquez's Nose is beginning to swell
    Velasquez has a small cut in his Nose
    Winner is Brock Lesnar by KO (Punches) at 1:00 Round 2
    Last edited: May 2, 2011

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