Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Das09, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Verigoat S Verigotta

    How indeed...

  2. brettman135 BR Hall

    I vote azzal.
  3. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Normally only Bandwagon is picked up on day 1 and seen as suspicious barring someone trying to be a nuisense so the fact that I voted early hardly makes me suspicious.
  4. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Tbh, the fact that you started trying to bandwagon people into voting azzal makes you suspicious, along with the fact that Brettman decided to back you up with no evidence whatsoever.
  5. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I didn't try to start a bandwagon, voting in the RVS is for the sake of it.
  6. Lukic L Popovic

  7. Julian BJ Taylor

    too late?
  8. Tartmaster AJ James

    Yeah I reckon so.
  9. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Tbh, you joined that bandwagon too. I just didn't see your post to begin with. :p
  10. Verigoat S Verigotta

    now you are making a bandwagone about them smelly :ninja:
  11. brettman135 BR Hall

    I am thinking you are Mafia Smelly seeing you are trying to shift blame on to others. I'm gunning for you.
  12. SmellyStuff MP Chung

  13. Das09 S Das



    8 more members still left to vote.
  14. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Gunning for means to go for someone/something
  15. Das09 S Das

    And I am telling this for the last time for those who have roles of Cop,Doc and Mafia, "DON'T SEND IN YOUR VOTE DURING THE DAY TIME...SEND IT DURING THE NIGHT TIME!!SEE THE THREAD TO FIND OUT IS IT DAY OR NIGHT!!"
  16. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    More like he's going to shoot me for calling him out mirite
  17. Number 11 CJ Downes

    I vote for...

  18. Das09 S Das


    azzal-4(Arheiner,brettman135,Tartmaster,number 11)

    Will wait for few more hours.
  19. Number 11 CJ Downes


    To hurry up.

    <!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
  20. Tartmaster AJ James

    I did nothing of the sort.
    I wasn't really paying attention to the other people, I just don't really like Azzal.

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