
Discussion in 'Forum Discussion' started by mouse, May 22, 2009.

  1. mouse MJ Edwards

    hey i'm mouse

    just signed up to see what it's like and hopefully i'll enjoy my time here.

    I'm a massive cricket fan who supports England and Lancs
  2. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    We already have a mousey :o
  3. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Haha, I assumed this was a bot...

  4. SM MD Dorn

    still not convinced it isn't :p

    Should sign up, then sign for the saders IMO.

    Haha, actually, this will be a test to do if the Lions still go hardcore on recruiting :p
  5. mouse MJ Edwards

    I'm having some trouble. what do i do after i've done registration

    Luffers posted a link on cricforum talking about this site so i've decided to look around. I've never been on this site before
  6. Old Mate M Perry

    Hey Mouse, basically you just post around the forum and a team owner will send you a contract offer so you can play for their team. Then games will be simulated into a score card like this one:


    Quality posts will make your player excel while more spam like posts will only increase their potential slightly.
  7. RyanG R Gee

    What rock have you been under for the past millenium?
  8. Old Mate M Perry

    Dude, it's better to let new members think that for obvious reasons, even though it's partly true.
  9. mouse MJ Edwards

    ok cheers for the info

    when well i get signed up (roughly) a day, a week, a month or longer
  10. Old Mate M Perry

    Probably today some time.
  11. Kegdrinker LA Pilgrim

    about a day or 2.
  12. Luffers JRE Luffman

    Good to see you've joined up! Plus your English good news!
  13. mouse MJ Edwards

    i know i've only just arrived but it looks a very good website. I may stick around
  14. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Mouse = future Raven.
  15. mouse MJ Edwards

    who is Raven?
  16. Farny AP Farnsworth

    It's a club. One that values intelligent members who don't spam. Don't hold your breath now that I've said that...they don't generally recruit newbies. I just got Ravens vibes from you.
  17. Dave DR Armstrong

    For sure stick around. Just anybody with an orange name, just talk shit to them.
  18. mouse MJ Edwards

    can i ask why?
  19. Dave DR Armstrong

    They aren't very good at CricSim.

    Anyway mate, have a look around, see all the things, join up the other sims if you wish, theres Rugby Union, Rugby League, Soccer and Basketball.

    To be noticed and picked up by a team best bet is to post around the social bar and get noticed. Good luck.
  20. mouse MJ Edwards

    cheers for the info Dave

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