Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by RyanG, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. RyanG R Gee


    General Information:

    • There are 3 playable main characters. Their names are Trevor, Franklin and Michael.
    • You can switch between them at any point when not on a mission. When you switch, the camera zooms out into the sky and then back down to the character you switched to.
    • You can switch to another playable character during missions where they work together. This happens instantly.
    • Some missions will only have one of the main characters, whereas in other missions it may be two or all three together.
    • Each one has its own personality, motivations and skillset. When you're not controlling them, their lifes continue and you may be surprised to see what situations they find themselves in when you switch back.
    • Each character has his own story arc.
    • Of the main storyline missions, there'll be several complex missions focussed on heists in style of "Three Leaf Clover" from GTAIV.
    • Some characters from GTAIV will make an appearance in V. Niko won't be one of them.
    • During research, Rockstar took over a quarter million photos this time!
    • Census information and vehicle sales data were used as a guide to depict the game world.
    • Big advances in the game's lighting model with vast increases and advances in draw distance and levels of detail.

    • You can flip off other characters in the game, and see interesting results dependent on who you're flipping off.
    • Vehicle physics have been updated. "The cars hold to the ground a bit better". It now feels more like a racing game, compared to GTA IV where they felt "big and boatlike".
    • After a hiatus in GTAIV, Ammu-Nation is back!
    • A lot of new side activities, including yoga, jet sking, base-jumping, tennis and golfing on a full golf course!
    • Rockstar felt that dating wouldn't fit in this game and have stripped this feature.
    • Mobile phone will return, but friends won't be calling as often as they did in GTAIV. It will be more streamlined and used for things like emails and Internet browsing.
    • Random character encounters throughout the map, much akin to those in GTAIV - but this time there's a greater variety and they're fully motion captured.
    • Dynamic missions, similar to Red Dead's "Unique World Events" make a return. Examples include characters with broken down cars, a hitch hiker, or two parked cars with dead bodies around them - which you can investigate to initiate dynamic missions.
    • Dynamic "state machines" were coded in the game, allowing non-playable characters to go about their daily lifes. For example, you may see gardeners and cleaners waiting at the bus stop in the morning, and then find them tending the gardens and houses in the game's fictional Beverly Hills later on in the day.

    • GTAV's game world is bigger than the worlds of Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas and GTA IV combined!
    • Fully explorable Mount Chiliad
    • A military base
    • Salton Sea region
    • Wine country
    • Wilderness
    • Fully explorable ocean floor along the coastline

    • Most vehicles in a GTA game to date, including - but not limited to:
    • BMX
    • Mountain Bikes
    • Road Bikes
    • Dirt bikes
    • Planes
    • Variety of cars and trucks
    • Helicopters
    • ATVs
    • Jet Skis
  2. RyanG R Gee

    Character Profiles:


    • Michael is a retired bank robber, who made a deal with the FIB and is currently in the witness protection program.
    • Lives in a mansion in Rockford Hills (based on real-life Beverly Hills).
    • Married to wife Amanda, and has a teenage daughter named Tracy and teenage son Jimmy.


    • Former military pilot
    • Lives in a trailer in Blaine County (desert).
    • Used to work a few bank jobs with Michael back in the day


    • Early 20s, works at a luxury car dealership.
    • In the demo, he was driving around Vespucci Beach in his 9F (equivalent to Audi R8).
  3. Jager LO Townsend

    I'd seen most of this information but some of it was new and naturally mouth-wateringly good. I've never, ever anticipated a game more than this to be honest and by the time GTA VI comes out I'll probably not be into gaming anymore, so this could be the game of a lifetime for me. It's gonna be compared to San Andreas and that's a huge ask seeing as I rate it the greatest game I've played and possibly the best ever, but wow

    just can't wait. Can't even express my excitement properly.

    Surely my shitty 360 won't be able to handle it... surely they're waiting for the next generation of console?
  4. Storer BA Storer

  5. Jager LO Townsend

    In case anyone missed it, the second official trailer is due for release on the 14th. I'll post it here
  6. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    I don't have high hopes.
  7. Veez DJ Veza

    This is going to be so gun! 've already got a shit load of games to start playing when the study year finishes.

    Need to finish AC Revelations -> AC3 -> Farcry 3 -> Hitman Absolution.
  8. Alec AD Funkotron

    Hopefully it's not as terribad as 4. 3 different main characters isn't something I'm very excited about either. Other than that it sounds pretty good though.
  9. Rocks DN Boland

    I thought IV was good? Least that's what's all the reviews said everywhere.
  10. Veez DJ Veza

    4 was solid. By the end of the game I was just hoping it would end soon.
  11. TheGreemSim ER Witters

    Just from what I've seen I'm liking the feel to this game already, GTA IV was very full murky and miserable where as by contrast this seems bright, fun and vibrant. Honestly have been waitron for this game for years so it's so nice to finally have some news to sink my teeth into.
  12. Alec AD Funkotron

    4 was a huge step back from SA. They removed all the awesome things like planes, jetpacks, the countryside, customization etc. Then they add a shitty main character and disgusting "friends" that call you every minute. The story wasn't very good either.
    "Oh, I came here to get away from the fighting."
    "Come fight with us."
  13. Athlai JJD Heads

    Jetpacks were dire in SA, didn't like it at all. Agree with you otherwise though.

    4 was great if you take it as a stand alone game but SA preceding it makes it a big step back.
  14. Peaches DT Petrucci

    Will purchase, just because one of the Protags is named Michael. [​IMG]
  15. RyanG R Gee

    The fact that the bigger than San Andreas, GtaIV and Red Dead Redemption combined is absolutely mind boggling to me.
  16. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Going to need an immense PC.
  17. Jager LO Townsend

    The story was actually really great. Definitely the most gritty and realistic story of the series, I loved it myself. Agreed that they didn't quite hit the same heights as SA though - I've been playing it all day today and it's still an all-time classic. The lack of stupid/fun things to do really hurt IV's reputation
  18. Veez DJ Veza

    Cousin! Lets go bowling!

    That's what bugged me about GTA4. :p
  19. Jager LO Townsend

    It was, I'd rate it third or fourth best game I ever played. People just got all shitty when they compared it to SA and realised it wasn't as carefree and ridiculous.

    Care to elaborate?
  20. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    IV was a huge let-down. The GTA's kept progressivly getting better with each new title, then IV came out, and it was poo.

    If it's anything like IV, it'll stink.

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