I think a schedule like this would be neat. Code: Week Mon Tue Wed Thu FrH Sat Sun 1 R R R R H P 2 R R R R H P 3 R R P M 4 R R R R H P 5 R R R R H P 6 R R P M 7 R R R R H P 8 R R R R H P 9 R R P M 10 R R R R H P 11 R R R R H P 12 R R P M 13 R R R R H P 14 R R R R H P 15 I P(F) M = Major H = Province Hosted R = Regular P = Provincial I = Invitational P(F) = Provincial Final Major events are the biggest events of the tour, other than arguably the invitational at the end of the season. They will be worth the most points. These will be hosted at neutral venues. A possibility would be for previous provincial winners to be able to host one of these events. Province hosted events are worth less points than major events, but more than regular events. As the name suggested, each province will be able to host one of these. With regular events, the Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday/Thursday events will be mutually exclusive for each player. This means each player will have to nominate which of the events they want to take part in. So you can take part in the Monday and Thursday events, but not the Wednesday and Thursday events. There are 48 of these, so each province will host 3. The invitational at the end of the season will be open to the top X players based on tour points of that season. Thoughts?
So how many rounds are the reqular tournies? 3 rounds I.e 54 holes? Should have some 36 hole and then make your majors 4 round 72 holes?
Maybe the weeks where there are four regulars (two per player) be 2 rounds and the others be 3 rounds. Majors and province hosted the full 4 rounds?
I reckon you have the weeks we choose from two events to play in 36 holers and have the two courses differ in either the composition of hole distance e.g a course with more par 3 and 4's and one longer with more par 4 or 5's. And/or courses with higher bunkers, rough and other hazards vs course that's more simple
Yeah, the idea was to give players a chance to take advantage of what they're good at, while also trying to maximise their winnings. For example, if there was a course that was just harder in general but most of the better players pick the easy one then maybe it would be worth it going for the harder one. I'd set a deadline for signing up for tournaments to be a week before the start of the week the tournament is in. Anyone who doesn't sign up for tournaments for a given week will be assigned randomly.
hahaha Emm Fountain Invitational I have the most vivid memory of everyone being cut off from the bar and hgm taking a huge sip of his drink and just doing a massive water spurt all over the bar, then still getting served.
All I remember after that was dodgy pizza/kebab on darlinghurst rd before I'm pretty sure Emm chose the floor before sharing the bed with gemmell