Fat ****s XI

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by morgieb, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Lukic L Popovic

    Tbf, that crossed my mind. I was thinking I wrote a lot and someone would suspect it.
  2. Billy B Olsen

    He has a fair story telling ability on him. Future DT journo perhaps? :laugh:
  3. Freddy MJ Johns

    Now say sorry to Uncle Bill.
  4. Old Mate M Perry

    Was a fairly funny idea for a thread but that's fairly poor IMO. Hybrid to take offense when he sees it.
  5. Beauy420 B Dover

    I'm about 62kg aswell.
    I'm a stick.
  6. Billy B Olsen

    That makes me sound like a dirty old man you ****! :laugh:
  7. Freddy MJ Johns

    Daddy Bill?
  8. morgieb MC Burridge

    Billy is a dirty old man. He's 28, which makes him one of the oldest on the forum.
  9. Billy B Olsen

    I'm 3rd oldest and I'm only dirty cause **** your mum in her ass.
  10. Kylez KF Tait

    I'm 14 turning 15 soon, and am 53kgs ( around that anyway )..
  11. Billy B Olsen

    So what are you doing in this thread? Its a fat ****s team.
  12. Youngman JE Harding

    I am 14 70 kgs. 192 cm tall though
  13. Billy B Olsen

    I repeat FAT ****S TEAM!!!!!!!
  14. Kylez KF Tait

    meh, everyone was posting there weight so yeah, not bragging or anything mate.
  15. morgieb MC Burridge

    Shit, that is tall for a 14 year old.
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    What did he do?
  17. Lukic L Popovic

    Fat, not tall.
  18. Youngman JE Harding

    Yea something around that.
  19. morgieb MC Burridge

  20. Billy B Olsen

    The weekend sport thread.

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