F1 2010

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Frizzed, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Frizzed WC Welker

    I did a 1:18.4xx after only a couple laps with no tune.
  2. Flack SA Flack

    Webber won the WDC in my first year of career. Oh yeah (face)
  3. Riddy JH Ridd

    pretty shit that the shortest race distance you can do is 20%
  4. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    Officially can't drive in the wet.
  5. Riddy JH Ridd

    helmets are shit as well, should be able to design your own tbh
  6. Frizzed WC Welker

    I'm currently in career race and a couple of the AI have turned to ghosts when I get near them, anyone know why ? and anyone know if I can go straight through them ?
  7. Flack SA Flack

    If they turn ghost you can.... The only times that's happened to me is when they go into the pits.
  8. Frizzed WC Welker

    I think I might be lapping them ?

    Reason being one of them pulled off the racing line after I sat behind for a bit.
  9. Flack SA Flack

    I've hit the ****s when lapping so it doesn't happen for me.
  10. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    They also turn into ghosts if you go from the pits straight into a sector or hot lap and they're close to you
  11. Ari PM Jackson

    Picked up a new wheel yesterday for it and just started playing it this evening, loving it so far.
  12. Riddy JH Ridd

    yeah this
  13. Frizzed WC Welker

    I was at Monaco tbf, might have made them go ghosts cause there isn't many spots for them to pull off the racing line ?
  14. Frizzed WC Welker

    Anyone want me to run a leaderboard in the first post ?
  15. Riddy JH Ridd

    can you unlock more helmets? or do they stay the same?
  16. Frizzed WC Welker

    AI online is all sorts of win, good to get a couple mates together then fill the rest of the grid with AI.
  17. SM MD Dorn

    Might have to get this tbh
  18. Riddy JH Ridd

    frizzed you got an xbox?
  19. Frizzed WC Welker

    Yea duder.
  20. SuperNova SJ Nova

    Time to get back in the groove again :p

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