Dragon Ball Z Mafia Game Thread: The Saiyan Saga

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Bedsey, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Captain SSD Dong

    Was against the lynch (at least until the fringe last minute claim) and hate first day random lynches, but Arheiner did himself no favors there.
  2. Uppercut CB Faldo

    Nah he shouldn't have had to defend himself. There was no evidence against him and any claim would help maf more than it would town. His mistake was assuming town wouldn't be so fucking stupid.
  3. Uppercut CB Faldo

    I think we need to divide the lynchers into people who are kind of erratic or inexperienced and people that are acting that way to get a townie lynched. So I'm not really suss on Escath, he always plays that way. I'd be taking a serious look at NP10 though. He's clever enough to see it was a dumb move, and his lynching post feels like he knew what was coming.
  4. Rocks DN Boland

    Pressure on Escath now unless a report comes up tonight?
  5. AVA T Delonge

    Tien is a pretty safe claim...
  6. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Nah Escath would have to be town. Just a fucking dumb one. Bandwagoners need to be looked at.
  7. Lukic L Popovic


    when you're about to get lynched and you are town, you sure as hell claim to try and avoid getting lynched because getting lynched as a townie doesn't help town.


    A - You don't claim - you die
    B - You claim - you still die
    C - You claim - you survive - scum kill you


    D - You claim - you survive - scum doesn't kill you

    Only one of these has the townie still alive at the end and surprise surprise, it's when he claims.
  8. Uppercut CB Faldo

    He did claim, he just left it as late as he could to avoid oversharing. Also I think the hammer was after 48 hours so he might be unlucky that one went through.
  9. AVA T Delonge

    Nah, claiming earlier allows for the town to move the discussion to the feasibility of the claim instead of lynching because he wouldn't claim. Look where undersharing got him. Shifting the discussion around is always helpful for scumhunting
  10. zorax ZX Doom

    Yea. If I was in his place, I'd have character claimed ASAP. There is literally no reason to, as a town, let suspicion hang over you. Especially if you are a useless fringe role.

    Even if you're someone super important - if you claim, the town doctor/watcher/bus driver can all come to your aid in the following night phase. Heck the mafia probably won't even target you till mid-game, it's wayyyy too obvious to try and kill the guy who claimed cop the following night.

    Can you please explain why an early town CC is a dumb town move [MENTION=5191]Uppercut[/MENTION] ?

    Escath's claim is safe, so I think he is Townie. Maybe Cevno will eventually pop up and character claim Tien and then we have something to go off. But till a counter claim presents itself, Escath is locked as Town.

    I'd cast suspicions on those who jumped the lynch train ASAP and contributed nothing to the actual scum hunt. Looking at you [MENTION=77]Boobidy[/MENTION]
  11. Captain SSD Dong

    He didn't need to defend himself at the start. But when somehow 7 or so people were on him and he still cbf, that's not great play is it?
  12. zorax ZX Doom

    I reckon he should have defended himself the second Escath claimed Tien. Till that point the pressure was on Escath to explain himself.
  13. Captain SSD Dong

    Why does Escath claiming have anything to do with it? There was no evidence that Arheiner was a baddie, literally none. He was simply forced to make a claim, which the timing of he fucked up. It was a dumb lynch, but his late claiming, unfortunate fringe character allocation and general cbf attitude had a lot to do with his death.
  14. AVA T Delonge

    Escath did hint a number of times that it wasn't completely random.
  15. Uppercut CB Faldo

    Meh, he'd already said he went nowhere last night, and he claimed when it got to 8 or so. If anything it's a tiny mistake compared to the slapstick shit town just pulled. I have a bit of sympathy for him simply refusing to believe they would go ahead and pull such a boner.
  16. zorax ZX Doom

    There was the word of someone who cleared himself as Town that his role didn't work on Arheiner.

    That wasn't enough to lynch him, I totally agree. But that was enough, IMO, to get Arheiner to defend himself properly. But he kept refusing to claim and defend himself, and he let the cloud of suspicion hang on him for the entire day phase, when all it would have taken was saying "You I'm FortuneTeller Baba, I'm town, I think Escath was roleblocked" in order to remove the doubt on him. But he avoided the questions, and the refused to claim, got defensive and wasted our 48 day hours. That Scum 101 for how to behave when under pressure. THAT was what made me lynch him.

    Had he just CCed right as Escath did, then I don't think any of us would have continued to jump on him. Atleast I wouldn't have.
  17. zorax ZX Doom

    Yea we need to do this.
  18. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Look at Zorax imo. Played that really horribly, bullied Arheiner into a claim based on the worst bandwagon ive ever seen and then it was his claim that got him lynched. Really shit play there. Just terrible
    Mafia must be laughing
  19. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Character claiming as town this early is not a good idea. It just gives information to mafia. Thw fact youre so eager to set this precedent is incredibly suspicious imo.

    This is very similar to how you played as Cerberus in the last game... Perhaps you have a weak maf role and are just seeking to sew as much havoc in the thread before you go as possible?
  20. Uppercut CB Faldo

    Generally speaking this type of info benefits maf much, much more than it does town. They have more options to exploit it (roleblockers, drivers, night kills, untraceable kills, janitors) and have the advantage of knowing for sure whether or not it's true. As town, ideally you want to reveal the minimum that still ensures that the correct lynch decision is made.

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