CPA Awards

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Escath, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Let Escath have first dig at it
  2. Skippos SM Morgan

    Hence why I said if nobody else. Kinda assumed if Escath wanted it he should have it.
  3. Eggman DA Eggman

    Best prov bowler:

    DA Eggman
  4. Himannv LV Himann

    I probably have a shot at being the most promising newcomer if we were to have one for S11.
  5. Howe JHF Howe

    Probably between you, Force and Warrington. Your runs for Asia should tip the difference in your favour.
  6. Weeman27bob BE Force

    He's probably a bit better at the LO stuff than I am as well.
  7. Cevno IV Narang

    Spark, Macdonald and Chowdhuri worth a mention there too.
  8. Cevno IV Narang

    You'll probably have a pretty decent shot at ALC Batsman of the year too alongside the likes of Jeyshiva, Spark etc..
  9. Howe JHF Howe

    Spark isn't a newcomer, he started at the same time as me.
  10. Himannv LV Himann

    Jeyshiva outscored me in ALC iirc. I did top score in HP although I don't think they would have an award for that.
  11. Cevno IV Narang

    Did he play any matches before season 11? Doesn't show on his profile.
  12. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    ALC Keeper of the Season
  13. Howe JHF Howe

    No, but he did sign for the Ravens during season 10. If you look he registered before people like Bochat and Hing who did play season 10 matches.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
  14. Cevno IV Narang

    It's bit of a grey area and depends on the organizer/Cribb but personally think he should be allowd as he didn't debut till season 11.
  15. Baxter MJ Deane

    Haha, yeah, Spark's a newcomer.
  16. Chewie JA Chewie


    Chewie most improved :ninja:
  17. Jabba HJ Bots

    If most improved is based on how you did in BS the season before I think I'll be tough to beat

  18. Escath LE Schaw

    Oh yeah, we can do these again.
  19. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Chewie being #1 just doesn't feel right.
  20. Ari PM Jackson

    Needs to have a HC batsman of the season award. :ninja:

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