CPA Awards

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Escath, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Escath LE Schaw

    CPA BS Player of the Season
    CPA ALC Player of the Season
    CPA BS Batsman of the Season
    CPA BS All-rounder of the Season
    CPA BS Bowler of the Season
    CPA Keeper of the Season
    CPA ALC Batsman of the Season
    CPA ALC All-rounder of the Season
    CPA ALC Bowler of the Season
    CPA Most Improved Player
    CPA Most Promising Newcomer
    CPA BS Worst Player of the Season
    CPA ALC Worst Player of the Season

    These were the awards from last season. I'm thinking drop the worst player awards and add three new ones: Outstanding Performance, Batting, Bowling and All-round.

    Thoughts/other ideas?
  2. Escath LE Schaw

    Forgot about OD :laugh:

    Did we want Prov awards as well? I'm thinking we should probably split up the awards into FC, OD and Provincial categories and have a different person doing organising one.
  3. Old Mate M Perry

    Kent of the season.
  4. Jabba HJ Bots

    Oldest Mate of the season
  5. Howe JHF Howe

    The problem with the Worst Player is just that it'd be some newbie who never posted, so no-one's there to care about it. A "Biggest Underachiever" award or some such would be more interesting.
  6. Eds E Ames


    Ames for KFC.
  7. Escath LE Schaw

    For club 4-day:

    CPA BS Player of the Season
    CPA ALC Player of the Season
    CPA BS Batsman of the Season
    CPA BS All-rounder of the Season
    CPA BS Bowler of the Season
    CPA Keeper of the Season
    CPA ALC Batsman of the Season
    CPA ALC All-rounder of the Season
    CPA ALC Bowler of the Season
    CPA Outstanding Performance, Batting
    CPA Outstanding Performance, All-round
    CPA Outstanding Performance, Bowling
    CPA Most Improved Player
    CPA Most Promising Newcomer
    CPA Biggest Underachiever
  8. Old Mate M Perry

    The old Chump award.
  9. Old Mate M Perry

    Jabbed the most a season? Yeah, nah. I don't think that one works haha.
  10. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    Spewing there's only one keeper award.
  11. Escath LE Schaw

    If you're as good as you talk yourself up to be, you should win it.
  12. Escath LE Schaw

    So, anyone want to organise Provincial or OD awards?
  13. Storer BA Storer

    I'm sure Skippost will put his hand up.
  14. Eggman DA Eggman

    Just do it one?
  15. Escath LE Schaw

    I don't mind doing it, but just thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to, since there would be a huge number of awards.

    How about instead of BS and ALC, have FC (BS + PC), SC (ALC + PCDIY) and OD (HC + RT + HP)?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
  16. Eggman DA Eggman

    I can do the PC games i guess. First and seconds.

    But i didn't follow the OD matches at all.
  17. Escath LE Schaw

    All you have to do is decide on some awards, get nominations and then do a final voting.
  18. Eggman DA Eggman

    CPA Provincial Player of the Season
    CPA Provincial Batsman of the Season
    CPA Provincial All-rounder of the Season
    CPA Provincial Bowler of the Season
    CPA Provincial Keeper of the Season

    CPA Provincial Seconds Player of the Season
    CPA Provincial Seconds Batsman of the Season
    CPA Provincial Seconds All-rounder of the Season
    CPA Provincial Seconds Bowler of the Season

    CPA Outstanding Performance, Batting
    CPA Outstanding Performance, All-round
    CPA Outstanding Performance, Bowling

    CPA Provincial Most Improved Player
    CPA Provincial Most Promising Newcomer
    CPA Provincial Biggest Underachiever

    Something like that :p
  19. Escath LE Schaw

    Yep. Those look oddly familiar :p
  20. Eggman DA Eggman

    Think i might add 2 team awards. But i'll open Noms in a minute in a new thread.

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