are you asking where i get the money to play with, or how i get it online? i built it up first but now i'm backed by a professional poker player
got introduced to him from another pro who i got coaching from. i still played up to $60 buy ins on my own money though (and bought $500 of myself in a $2000)
Trying to get supernova on pokerstars this year from a start on 20th September, you have the full calendar year to chase it typically. You need 100k VPP's, a $60 game gets you 12.82 and a $100 20.24 (reg speeds get a bit more, and the 60 euros get ~15-16). Currently have 12608 so have to get another 87392 in ~89 days, but will be v/ tough because I've got HSC on in 2 weeks + will have to have days off etc. Need to play ~65 games per day to do it.
Dabbling in a little HU zoom the last couple days, just had this fun hand: Also won a 500bb pot yesterday:
I played a couple. Not sure how +ev they're going to be, there's also a ton of variance. The large majority of the time you're going to have 3 players fighting over 2 buy ins and in that situation you're going to be losing money. The real money comes in when you get the big prize pools and that happens very infrequently, so similar to MTT's you could go on very long losing streaks before making a score to make up for those losses. This is assuming the game is beatable.
Yeah had a few goes. Think I ended up a dollar after four/five games. Don't see how you can make a whole lot of money unless you hit one of those big payouts, far too chaotic.