Club Applications for Season 2

Discussion in 'SoccerSim' started by Callum, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Bovver M Kaye

    Dude, your making it sound like theres 2 teams applying i'm sure theres gonna be more then 2 applying ;).
  2. Arheiner SIA Yates

    We would've most likely heard about it if there was.
  3. Bovver M Kaye

    Not really the other teams could have chosen to do it secretly. I'm 100% sure there would be 6+ Applications.
  4. Hybrid A Kolar

    I know for sure that there at least 4 applying, if not more.

    Nobody's taking anyone from Lightning. We have the necessary amount of players to run a club properly, whereas the other clubs are using ****ing fillers because they are too lazy to sign a free agent when there are an abundance of them.
  5. SuperNova SJ Nova

    Will be the biggest joke if Arheiner gets a team.

    He couldn't control a class of mentally challenged ****s, let alone this.
  6. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Much easier to do this tbh.
  7. Hybrid A Kolar

    What's with all the Arheiner hate?
  8. Arheiner SIA Yates

    It goes way back, before you joined.
  9. SuperNova SJ Nova

    He's a ****ing moron, look how he posts FFS.

    Biggest joke if he gets a team.
  10. Arheiner SIA Yates

    They let you have one.
  11. SuperNova SJ Nova

    Sick call man :whistling:

    Considering I ran a team for a period of time on the old forum but went inactive as I had exams and loads of personal shit etc, I'd class myself as a front runner.

    Oh and the team I run is 3rd ATM, yeah shut it.
  12. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Only once there's proof I can't do better.
  13. Bovver M Kaye

    LOL, coming from the team who asked me to withdraw my team so they could get in.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  14. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I didn't ask you to, I asked you to join me if I got in instead, I'll post the PM to prove it if you want.
  15. Bovver M Kaye

    I didn't say you said it ;). Skippo's is your head of recruitment is he not?
  16. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I never asked him to say that. I asked you if you would join if I made it and you didn't, he must have done it anyway.
  17. Bovver M Kaye

    I'm just saying that by him saying that your obviously threatened.

    Tbh, I don't see you getting a team just because people don't want you to have a team etc. Don't want that to come off the wrong way, just saying, but then again same could be for alot of the other members who have applied since we don't know who else has.
  18. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Yeah, also Callum and me are not the greatest of friends. Most of the people I get along with play or have played for the Lions while I've been there.
  19. Hybrid A Kolar

    FFS. Post constructive shit about club applications or don't post at all.

    This thread will be ruined by pointless bickering.
  20. Bovver M Kaye

    Oops, our convosation was about the application. Did you actually read what was said.


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