
Discussion in 'Provincial Competitions' started by Eds, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Eds E Ames

    Ahhhh Whicker. Edited in.
  2. Eddie EI Morris

    Whicker would be a lot better than Stroud!

    Edit: good work Eds!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  3. Doog J McDougal

    FTR, I'd play in a south lineup if we are going by GB location. Scotland is a heritage tie, I live on the south coast...
  4. Eds E Ames

    I know by North fits better.
  5. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah, lets have a 12 v 10 cricket match!
  6. Doog J McDougal

    Just saying I'm not a north fan until it hits that border :p
  7. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Will in a Britain North v Britain South match, Scotland is definitely included in the former. So just remember that's what you're representing. :p
  8. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Eds teams seem fairing imo
  9. Best team
  10. Callum CJ Laing

    Not really a big fan of North vs South as it really doesn't turn out very equal.

    Sweetman should definitely play ahead of Jones. Golding is pointless being in the game if he is going to bat 8 and be the 6th bowler. With Kaye being back he should be involved also IMO.

    I had wondered about:


    1. %JE McGrath
    2. %DG Dafter
    3. %S Verigotta
    4. %BL Hornby
    5. %TJ Clough
    6. %SLO Graham
    7. %C Laing (4)
    8. %C Golding (5)
    9. %AP Farnsworth (2)
    10. %JT Whicker (1)
    11. %M Kaye/%JH Ridd (3)


    1. %E Ames
    2. %LM Sweetman
    3. %JRE Luffman
    4. %RK Fittaman
    5. %ND Short
    6. %M Deane (5,4)
    7. %EI Morris
    8. %SJ Nova (4,5)
    9. %SDR Laing (2)
    10. %BOY Blunder (1)
    11. %J McDougal (3)
  11. Doog J McDougal

    You missed Goats place on the bowling order :ninja:
  12. Callum CJ Laing

    Nah... :p
  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Interesting to see McDougal is considered better than Ridd. Looking at their records you can't really argue it at all but I wouldn't have expected it on a gut feel as such.
  14. Verigoat S Verigotta

    You gotta be shitting me Callum...
  15. Callum CJ Laing

    I reckon Ridd will be gun this season, but Doog is ahead at this stage.
  16. Doog J McDougal


    Slow and steady wins the race.
  17. Zakaron SDR Laing

    If bowl well this season i might be able to slip into side.
  18. McGrath JE McGrath

    I doubt it tbh
  19. Cribbage RG Cribb

    He will be in the side. Britain only have 2 specialist bowlers starting the season in first grade tbh.
  20. McGrath JE McGrath

    I thought Laing was a spinner tbh

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