ALC Round 6 - Fangs v Knights (completed)

Discussion in 'Matches' started by Cribbage, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Himannv LV Himann

    Force really dominated in this game.
  2. Starris ER Starris

    Yes - he was the heart of the team in this one!
  3. ModCat Tom CJ Ardley

    Us, by an innings and 88 runs.
  4. niru NN Gurupur

    i see you standing very far from the wicket even when spinners are bowling...........
  5. Mariner CL Warrington

    Because he isn't keeping.
  6. niru NN Gurupur

    fine then he's standing outside the stadium
  7. Coldplay SD Tuladhar

    Makes no sense.
  8. ModCat Tom CJ Ardley

    niru presumably thinks crowd catches count though, so don't be too surprised.
  9. niru NN Gurupur

    haha that's funny well we'll see were will you be standing when you visit the castle
  10. Das09 S Das

    ALC is always played at Cribb Complex, niru.
  11. niru NN Gurupur

    anyways we still have another match against fangs right......?
  12. Skippos SM Morgan

    wouldn't really call what you serve up a 'match'

    more a charity event
  13. Eds E Ames


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