A Suggestion...

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Eds, May 21, 2011.

  1. Eds E Ames

    It's pretty obvious that S10 is going to be the last season ever of CricSim, as Cribb is leaving for England in August and we're not going to get through more than one season in the space of a few months.

    I say, make all current contracts void, due to the fact it is the last season, as well as the fact plenty has changed since a year ago. I'm sure people would like to do different things knowing it's the last season (eg. Stickies re-union etc.) Then, let recruitment and stuff commence again etc. and do S10 as professionally as possible.

  2. MightyPies DA Alessi

    What's cricsim ?
  3. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Well, this was out of the blue, but I think there's some merit to this suggestion...
  4. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Yeah AWTA. There is merit to it. Could work aswell.
  5. Shri G Shriram

    Cricsim could continue even if he is in England. Vaguely remember speaking to him about it over in CW.
  6. Callum CJ Laing

    I was under the impression it was going to continue, even with Cribb going to England. IF it was going to be the last season I think something like what you have suggested would be pretty cool though.
  7. McGrath JE McGrath

    Cribb is staying in Hull. There still in 1961 up there
  8. Escath LE Schaw

    Doubt we'll see CricSim before August anyway.
  9. SM MD Dorn

    \_/ worlds ending tonight yo
  10. Gazza GJ Weaver

  11. League Lover L Lover

    Doesn't sound too bad.
  12. morgieb MC Burridge

    Pretty sure it will continue even though he's going to England, tbh.

    If it starts again.
  13. Eggman DA Eggman

    Marty McFly went to 2015 bro.
  14. Speirz DG Speirs

    Stickies reunion sounds good.
  15. Chewie JA Chewie

    How coincidental, I was just watching Back to the Future :/
  16. morgieb MC Burridge

    I thought the rapture was 2012? :p
  17. Athlai JJD Heads

    Cribb to sim more when in England as an act of defiance.
  18. Eggman DA Eggman

    Assuming no new teams to be introduced if this did happen. Allstars reunion as well.
  19. Hunter AD Hunt

    Massive draft.
  20. El Nino J Torres


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