Week J Discussion (Provincial Round 6, Club Round 10) - June 24-29 (or umm.. Oct 28)

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Cribbage, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Benny BS Read

  2. Escath LE Schaw

  3. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Still think there were way too many provincial matches anyway. Should be fewer to make it more prestigious
  4. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    That's what North vs South is really. Provincials are more of an extended try out for that in terms of personal ambition imo.
  5. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yeah but still a couple rounds is overkill
  6. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Yeah dropping it to one game is best, i agree
  7. Tartmaster AJ James

    No one cares about North v South though.
  8. Benny BS Read

    You upset you have to play for north because you're pretending you aren't Aussie now?
  9. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Yeah I don't really care about North v South. God to have as tournament teams from provincial but that's about it
  10. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I'm been pushing a couple of agendas that haven't quite caught on that I might to have review for next season and N v S is one. Much as I try, and much as it's by far the highest quality series on the site, I just can't convince people to care. :p

    There will definitely still be a series like that, but having a different split might make more sense. I'll have to take into account how any different split that could affect SR as well though.
  11. Benny BS Read

    State of origin always the best series hands down
  12. Riddy JH Ridd

    I don't mind N V S. Like Cribb said its nice to have a 'high quality' series
  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah, but it definitely lost its relevance once it became true that over half the best players weren't actually from NSW or Queensland.

    I tried to make N/S an extension of that, using NSW and Queensland as the base teams and working from there. Tweed is basically the CricSim N/S border. But it hasn't taken off. It'll still go ahead this season but a different, less inventive split might make more sense for next season.
  14. morgieb MC Burridge

    Something like the split in this game makes sense, though it wouldn't work in SR.
  15. Tartmaster AJ James

    No I don't care who I play for because I don't care about the series.

    And I'm not pretending I'm not Aussie, I'm pretending I'm not a NSWmen.
  16. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    I like North vs South. I never cared about SoO because its not a thing over here, and NvS is something i can get behind
  17. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Yeah i know. Doesnt mean i cant follow the games
  18. Cribbage RG Cribb

    There are NvS one dayers this season; Blunder could make those in theory.
  19. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Although he's not even in the England team atm so that's probably unlikely too despite his goodish record. :p
  20. Mariner CL Warrington

    Looks like he's got the most wickets in HC, why wasn't he playing for Britain? :laugh:

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