Season 12 Transfers Thread

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by RyanG, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Skippos SM Morgan

    Why should we be obliged to take on passengers? The guy is no better than a bowler with the bat and batsman with the ball. He wanted to open the batting and bowl heaps - and he was tripe. This was in the once a month he logged on. Passenger.
  2. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Rays are mad.
  3. Number 11 CJ Downes

    So you weren't even close to wanting him at the club and made it clear publically. That's a shit way to treat a 'person', forget cricsim player. He's a good forumer anyway, so rejecting him is poor form on my eyes. My whole point is, fuck off he should have notified you prior when you treated him like shit.
  4. Jabba HJ Bots

    RLH had more of a place at the rays then skippos did IMO
  5. Jabba HJ Bots

    Pretty sure his 100 post thread or whatever it was is better then any thread skippos has ever made
  6. Teacups CJ Evans

    What are you on about? It was pretty much a consensus between the rest of us Rays that what Skippos did was wrong and what he said was harsh. I haven't said anywhere that any of us had expectations of him resigning after what Skippos said. All of us actually perfectly understood why he left. I said it would have been nice if he let us know before leaving. Especially if he let Steve know because he jumped in RLH's defence almost immediately.

    About most of us not having an opinion - this was after RLH left for the Pumas without saying anything to us.
  7. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Because we didn't treat him like crap, I was always extremely encouraging to him. I stood up for him when skippos had a go. You all have no idea what actually happens at the Rays.
  8. Teacups CJ Evans

    Jesus christ. Stop generalising like you know what goes on in our team. Skippos is ONE Ray and he made a few posts that was against RLH - we all know and accept that it was poor form to publicly say that. It's not like we all shared that opinion and cheered him on for it.

    He has always been encouraged in our subbie prior to all this and he had no problems with any of us, just like none of us had any problems with him.
  9. Number 11 CJ Downes

    The club decided it was wrong and harsh? Yet he was given the exact same treatment not 20 minutes ago and called a passenger, and pretty much told he wasn't wanted or needed once again. You remedied it where? On your subforum (which RLH would have been booted from IIRC)? Wow, talking amongst yourselves really show's that the club disagrees? Surely if there was such a negative reaction as you say someone could have come out publically and denounced what Skippos said. RLH logs in, he see's the Ray's don't want him, no one from the club tried to remedy it publically, talking in your subbie means little, so he takes another offer...

    That's the whole point. It was private...why not come out in the thread to make it clear you disagreed? RLH was booted from the subforum anyway....
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    Ftr it wasn't poor form from me IMO. We'd told him numerous times that his spot would be lost if he wasn't active, we basically implored him to stick around as we liked him but he still only came on monthly. As a result his player was absolutely ruined. Every club has its 'niche' and one of ours is activity - and his passenger'ism' was to that detriment. If we were another club it'd have been a bit different I'd say - at least to me. Expressing my discontent at being forced to play him (not have him part of the club) was the frustration especially given our aim to be competitive - and your signing of him will either cost you any chance you had at the ALC title or you'll end up hypocrites and drop him.
  11. Number 11 CJ Downes

    He is the head of recruitment and a figurehead of the club. Don't act like he's just some random club offsider.
  12. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    Who really cares?

    He'll be a mediocre ALC player at his peak.

  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    It absolutely was. There was no reason to carry on publicly about how shit you thought he was so regularly at all, even if you thought it.
  14. Number 11 CJ Downes

    I have no problem with you signing him and telling him he's unlikely to play if he's not active. Having a public whinge is completely different and definitley is a dick move.
  15. Skippos SM Morgan

    correct me if I'm wrong but this all happened well before the subforum clean out. also - I've checked. RLH isn't searchable. With his log on history I'd say that post would have been 20 pages back in the thread. Don't tell me you didn't highlight it to him, he didn't log on and see it - I didn't expect him to see it when posting as he's never around. I'd be almost certain it was shown to him. In your own words 'it's no way to treat a person' - yet you're happy to cause him the 'pain' of seeing shit said about him when he hadn't already. Had he not been highlighted to it, he'd not have seen it - remember that. So don't take the moral high ground.
  16. Skippos SM Morgan

    Haha fuck off I'm a figurehead. And I'm not the HoR. I don't want the job and I've never accepted it. I just do recruitment as nobody else can be stuffed.
  17. Jabba HJ Bots

    When you think rays you think


    you are a figurehead
  18. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Lol. I didn't mention the Stingrays or yourself at all in my PM's and definitley didn't show him the posts.

    Hey mate,
    Just want to let you know that the Pumas would be keen to have you at the club for season 12. We have blokes you might know such as Jabba, Chewie and Escath. So give us some consideration. 
  19. Number 11 CJ Downes

  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    So how do you know he saw them? if he wasn't highlighted to them he probably didn't.

    I probably think the only reason he signed for you knowing that is you sent him a PM. We didn't really PM any retentions - just posted to them that they could sign. Because he's inactive and a passenger he'd not have seen it.

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