Which board games would you be interested in?

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Escath, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Escath LE Schaw

    So, CricSim has been in a lull recently. Which of the following games would you like to play? I picked the following games because I think they would be easy to reproduce for a forum.

    Players: 2-7

    A strategic board wargame that is known for its emphasis on strategy rather than luck, as opposed to a game like Risk where a large part of the game is based on luck, from the drawing of cards to the rolling of dice. This is not the case in Diplomacy. In fact, the only luck based element in the game happens at the very beginning when the nations are randomly given out.

    "Turns" generally come in two phases. A negotiation phase and then a movement phase. During the negotiation phase, players can engage in conversation with other players, either in public or in private, to try to form alliances and make deals. Importantly, these alliances and deals are non-binding. In the movement phase, orders are secretly submitted for each unit. All units will then move at the same time and will then be resolved following a set of rules.

    Rules can be found here: http://www.wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy.pdf

    Say Anything
    Players: 3-8

    Kind of like Black/White Sheep. Each turn, a person gets to be the Judge. They will get a choice of five questions with subjective answers, such as "What is my favourite colour?". Everyone else then secretly submits an answer. The Judge will then secretly choose their favourite answer. Everyone else then has two tokens to bet on which answer they think the Judge chose. A point is awarded for each token placed on the answer chosen.

    The Resistance
    Players: 5-10

    Similar to Mafia in that there is a small group of informed Spies (mafia, but they cannot communicate with each other) and a larger group of uninformed Resistance (town). The only thing the Resistance knows is the number of Spies in the group.

    A Leader is randomly selected to begin the game. Each mission requires the participation of a set number of players. For example, in a 10 player game Mission One requires 3 players. The Leader will propose a list of people who will go on the mission. The group will then publicly discuss and vote on whether or not the list of people should be accepted. If a majority vote no, or there is a tie, the proposal is rejected and the next person becomes Leader. This can happen up to four times in a row before the fifth proposal is automatically accepted.

    Once a proposed list has been passed by the group, members of the Resistance will have the mission succeed automatically. However, Spies can choose whether to have the mission succeed or fail. The number of succeeds and fails will then be made known to everyone. If there is a single fail vote, the entire mission fails. There are five missions. The Resistance needs to have three missions succeed to win, while the spies need to have three missions fail to win.


    You don't need an explanation for this one :p

    Get Bit
    Players: 2-6, but it can be very easily adapted to more players.

    Each player has a set of numbered cards. Each player is represented by a character in a line, trying to swim away from the shark at the back of the line. Each round, players will play one of their cards at the same time. Players change order in the line based on what number card they played. The highest number goes to the front, second highest behind them and so on. However, if two or more players play the same number, they will end up at the back of the line. At the end of each round (other than the first), whoever is at the back of the line gets bit. Each player can be bitten up to three times. On the fourth bite they are out of the game. The winner is whoever is in the front of the line when only two players remain.

    None of the above

    Post what other games you think would be great to play.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Jabba HJ Bots

    League of Legends
  3. Himannv LV Himann

    Diplomacy and the Resistance sound good. Diplomacy sounds a bit different to what we usually play so I'll probably go with that if I have to pick just one.
  4. Escath LE Schaw

    LoL the board game is not a thing yet.
  5. Skippos SM Morgan

  6. Jabba HJ Bots

    Cricket Wizard
  7. Escath LE Schaw

    That was actually on my list originally. NFI why/how I deleted it.
  8. Escath LE Schaw

    Haha I have no idea why but I had this game.

    Unfortunately, if I was to include games that relied on a board and random factors such as dice, there are much better games.
  9. Jabba HJ Bots

    You have it cause its a top game
  10. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Hungry, Hungry Hippos
  11. Baxter MJ Deane

    Diplomacy. Tart started one an age back but it went nowhere
  12. AVA T Delonge

    Hungry, Hungry Skippos
  13. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Balderdash, Articulate
  14. Captain SSD Dong

  15. Rocks DN Boland

  16. AVA T Delonge

    Fucking AWTA.
  17. Jabba HJ Bots

  18. Escath LE Schaw

    Trivia and timed games aren't suitable for forum play, which is why I haven't included games such as Taboo or Wits and Wagers.
  19. Mousey AJ Son

  20. Baxter MJ Deane


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